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Asia's POV

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I yelled.

"Following you." He said putting his suitcase under the seat in front of us as I sat there with my jaw to the floor.

"Why!?" I yelled.

"Because. You're family. And this is what family does."

"WE ARE NOT FAMILY!" I screamed.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down." A woman said in a uniform.

I rolled my eyes. "Dominick, get off the train. Now. Go tell your parents I'm not coming back."

"I left them a note."

I slammed my head on the seat in front of me. "You are the most awful, annoying, unkind, person I've ever met." I said.

"You're one to talk. Unkind? You know all about that."

"I have a right to be unkind! My entire life was thrown away in a matter of seconds! I have nothing to live for and all you've managed to do was make it worse!" I yelled.

The train started moving. "Guess I'm stuck here."

I sighed. "You're going back home as soon as possible. I'm telling you." I said.

I plugged my ears and left him to ramble to himself for the next day and a half.

I slept most of the way there. It was a long time. Longer than I expected. But we finally made it. I was here!

I got off and shoved past Dominick, hoping I would lose him.

I didn't.

He followed me all across town. Wherever I was, it was a nice town. Sweet, small, country. It was adorable. Nothing like New York. But there were still a lot of buildings.

I found a hotel in the middle of the town. I thought it was gonna be more expensive than it was. It was surprisingly cheap.

Dominick got a room at the same hotel...

I put my stuff in the room and changed my clothes. I was a little hungry from being on a train for a whole day.

"Where are we going now?" Dominick asked.

"I'm going out to eat. I'm starving." I said.

"Maybe if you ate family meals with us, you wouldn't be hungry." He said.

"You aren't my family." I said.

I walked out of the hotel and looked around a bit. "Excuse me." I said to an older guy. "Do you know where I can get some good breakfast food down here?" I asked with a slight smile.

"There's is this delicious place down the street. If you go straight, turn left on Picket, you'll see it. Huge diner with fancy lights." He said.

"Thank you so much." I said.

He was so kind. It was relaxing, almost.

I looked for Picket and when I finally saw it we turned left. He was right. It was hard to miss. Big fancy lights outside at eight in the morning.

We walked in and I told the hostess one, but Dominick chimed in and told her two. I rolled my eyes at it, but she took us to a small table in the back of the restaurant.

"Hello, you two. Welcome in. Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked politely.

"We'll both have an orange juice." Dominick said for me.

"I will not have an orange juice. I'll have water. I can order for myself." I said angrily. I grinned at her and glared at him.

"Just trying to help." He said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Fuck you. I don't want your help." I whispered.

She brought us the drinks and asked what we wanted.

"I'll have the waffles." Dominick said. He glared at me waiting for me to order.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Can I have the chicken noodle soup?" I asked smiling at her.

"Of course. It'll be right up." She said.

She took our menus and we sat in silence for seven minutes and four seconds.

Yes, I was counting.

It was boring.

And I was not about to talk to Dominick.

She brought over our food and Dominick dug right in like the pig he is.

I took one bite of my soup before Dominick started talking. "So how long are we staying down here?" He asked.

"You're leaving as soon as possible. I'm staying for a few more days and then I'm going somewhere else." I said taking another sip of the soup.

"Asia, I'm staying with you as long as it takes. We're in this together."

I lost it.

I grabbed my soup and poured it all over him and his food. "We are NOT in this together and I hope I never see you again!" I screamed.

I slammed a five dollar bills on the table and started towards the door. "Keep the change." I said to her as I stormed out.

"Asia, come on. Grow up." Dominick said.

"Grow up? Grow up! How about you fuck off!" I screamed.

He started talking and I covered my ears and went "La la la la. I can't hear you." Like a five year old.

Dominick hit my head and I groaned. "Knock it off! Leave me alone!" I screamed.

"No!" He yelled back.

I groaned and started towards the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my back. "You better watch your mouth!"

"You watch your mouth! You aren't my family and never will be! Don't tell me what to do!" I screamed. "My family is on the other side of the country stuck in an all-boys school, with their alcoholic mother, all alone while his parents are gone, and in Arizona with his absent dad! You are not my family!" I said trying to make my point clear.

By now we were causing a scene. It was ridiculous. People were watching us argue about how I hated him and how he's an asshole.

A group of boys, probably around our age were at the door watching us, the servers were watching us and all the old men and women were watching us, too.

God, I don't ever want him to call ME unkind after this.

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