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Asia's POV

I walked into Buck's to go and get my stuff, but I stopped when I saw, who I think was Sylvia, sitting at the bar.

"Hey." I said, sitting next to her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "I deserve that. I just wanna say sorry. Even if you don't care, I'm sorry for being an asshole to you."

"I've been trying to get Dallas' attention for years. How did you do it so effortlessly?" She asked.

"I dunno. But it doesn't matter anymore. We aren't talking to each other. We're practically unacquainted."

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Another drink." Sylvia said. The guy brought it over and put it in front of her. She slid it in front of me. "You look like you need it."

"I do..." I mumbled. "We got in a stupid fight tonight. It was ridiculous. He slid his hand up another girls thigh and it wasn't the fact I was jealous. I didn't feel any bit of jealousy. But I know that kinda stuff sticks with people. I didn't want her to have to deal with his bullshit."

"So you two aren't together?" She asked.

"No. Although it seems like we should be. But in all honesty, I'm glad we aren't. I couldn't deal with this. And I don't think Dallas can handle a relationship."

"He can't. He tells me he hates me, we almost hook up, he stops right as we get started, then i leave, fuck other people, and he thinks I two-time him. I don't get it."

"What an asshole..." I muttered taking a sip of my drink

"I am annoying, sometimes. I get it. But I've tried so hard."

"If you have to try so hard for a guy, he's not worth it. You're gorgeous. You don't need a guy who's just gonna treat you like your a can on the side of the road." I said.

"You're right. I know you are. It's just harder than it seems."

"I know. I'm still trying to learn that, too." I said, taking another sip.

"You're actually really nice." Sylvia said.

I laughed. "Thanks. I don't get that very often."

"I wonder why." She said with a slight laugh.

I laughed along. "I mean, I know why I don't get it at least. I'm self aware."

She grinned. "Out of curiously... what happened to your arms? And stomach?"

I grinned. "All very long stories, but I was held down by one of my dads friends and he gave the four symmetrical knife scars on my stomach to me, I was shot once in each arm when I lived in inner-city Detroit, Michigan and once in my leg. And then my friend and I got stuck in inner-city New York. I was shot in the stomach, she was kidnapped." I said.

I took a very large sip after that.

"Oh my goodness! Is she ok?"

"I dunno. They never found her. And it's all my fault." I muttered.

"I'm sure it's not."

I told her the basics. The perks of alcohol. You don't watch what you say. Even if it's only a little bit.

"It was nobody's fault. You two couldn't have know. You're kids."

"It's weird to think that was almost a year ago."

"A year ago, I was panicking on where Dallas was... now I know he was with you."

"Unfortunately." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

We both laughed.

I talked with Sylvia for a good ten minutes before I felt a presence behind me. "Why are you two here?"

I rolled my eyes. "I was just leaving." I said, standing up, knowing damn well it was Dallas.

"And you?" He asked Sylvia.

"Nah, I'm staying. I need more to drink."

I couldn't help but grin at her. He ignored it.

I walked upstairs and quickly shoved my stuff into my suitcase and backpack.

"Hoped you'd be gone by now." Dallas said walking in the room.

I had a dozen snarky responses running through my head. I decided to take the higher route and not say anything.

Maybe alcohol is good for me. I walked out quickly and made eye contact with him as I walked out.

Didn't say a word.

Shoved through the crowd of people and went to the train station.

New life, maybe you'll be better for me.

Dallas' POV

I don't understand. Yeah, I'm an asshole, but she completely acts like we're unacquainted now. Like everything that's happened between us is gone.

I kiss her, she kissed me, she calls me her friend, and now she won't talk to me.

Was it my fault, yes, probably. Did I mean anything I said? No.

I had one too many cigarettes today. That shits messing with my head.

I wasn't hoping she was gone. Hell, I prayed she was still there. Then I could apologize. But I didn't. I messed up.

It's my fault. I know it is.

But it was too late.

Asia's POV

I bought the train ticket and sat with Charlie on the train. He had the window seat. I was too sad to argue. Even though I pretended I was cool with everything.

"I'm sorry about you and Dallas." He whispered, tiredly.

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

"Well... I dunno. I always figured there was something between you guys. I just never brought it up."

"What makes you think that?" I asked trying to sound disgusted.

"I mean... man, the way he talked about you... it was something. It seemed like he would have married you on the spot, or something."


"Yeah. Back in New York, all the time." Oh. Not recently. "Every day it was something new. Something new he loved about you. Even if he'd never straight up use the L word." He laughed at his joke.

"Hmm..." I muttered. I had no other response.

"Even today, he was going on and on about ya. He kept asking when you were leaving. And at first I thought it was 'cause he wanted you gone, but I think it's cause he didn't ever want ya to leave. Though after tonight I guess I'll never know." He said.

I was gonna ask more questions about it, but I realized he was tired and I wasn't gonna get the answer I wanted anyway.

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