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Asia's POV

The group of us walked in the court. We were told to sit with our parents.

I've never been more uncomfortable sitting down. Between my angry mother and my bitter father... bleh.

Charlie was slumped in between his trashy parents. They looked like they just walked out of a bar.

For all I know, they did.

Devin and his parents sat up straight. They looked presentable. They clean up nicely.

Logan's family were nicely put together... like always. I was jealous of how calm and collected they were at a time like this.

People searched everywhere for Dallas and his parents. Never found anyone.

I was thankful for that.

I hoped Dallas was doing well.

Maybe in another year or so I'll head to California.

But he's probably already forgot about me and everyone here. The way he talked, he seemed like he was ok with leaving this entire city behind him and never looking back.

Leaving me apart of that.

I had to focus, though.

We went one by own. For some odd reason, we were going in the opposite of alphabetical. Maybe it's just how it worked out, but it went Logan, Devin, Charlie and then me.

Logan's lawyer talked about the phone calls to our parents when we first asked to stay with them, the time we spent there, how our parents didn't want us back and all the basic stuff.

He was a hell of a lawyer. Logan's parents got out of this without any consequences.

Devin was next. Evidence showed his dad was hiding drugs. It was also found he was sexually, physically and mentally abusing his wife. He was sentenced to nineteen years in prison. Devin's mom gained full custody and broke down sobbing when she watched him get taken away.

Charlie was next.

Oh boy. His was a nightmare.

His parents were charged with sexual abuse, drug possession, perjury, child abuse, gang fights, attempted murder and tax evasion.

I was shocked, too.

All I have to say is that they will probably never see Charlie again and he's being put in a home.

Then mine was next...

The moment I was dreading.

My dad was charger with abuse, drug possession and was forced to pay a fine of two THOUSAND dollars.


I dunno. I wasn't paying attention.

But I was shocked with my mom.

She got off with court induced rehabilitation time. Until she's sober, her and I are both being put in the system.

But it won't be for a while. By the time she, of all people, could possibly get sober, I'll be eighteen and I won't be going to her.

The judge finished off the whole thing and officers flooded the room. Charlie and I were instructed to follow one officer while everyone else had another one to follow.

"Asia!" Someone called out. "Asia, Asia!"

It was a woman's voice. I turned around. It was my mom. "Yeah?" I asked in shock.

She hugged me. I felt my heartbeat quicken. Did she have a knife in her hand?

"I'm so sorry..." She mumbled.

Maybe I was dead.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, Asia. I know I can't fix what I've done, but I treated you in absolutely no way a mother should treat her daughter."

She was completely sober for the first time i've ever seen. Maybe that's why?

"I told myself when I found out I was pregnant that I wasn't gonna be like my mom and if anything I was worse. I let drugs and alcohol take over. I should have put you first."

I must be hallucinating.

"I guess I'll be going away for a while. Not where your dad is going, but I'm gonna get help. I understand you probably never wanna see me again. Hell, I'd feel the same way. But if I ever get sober I'd love to see you again." She whispered.

We pulled away and I felt tears forming in my eye. "Thanks..." I mumbled.

We were both separated.

I wanted to talk to her more....

She's sober for five minutes and I don't even get to talk to her.

God, this is so... so... so... unreasonable!

Charlie and I were told to get on the van outside the courthouse.

We had specific instructions to go right out, but there were a few people I needed to talk to.

"Devin!" I called out as I saw him and his mom walk by. "Devin!"

He was frowning. I ran through the crowd of people there and up to him.

"I'm so sorry..." I said hugging him tightly.

"It's ok, Asia." He said, softly.

"No, it's not. You've been amazing to me for years and I go and ruin it. I shouldn't have yelled at you, attacked your, any of it." I whispered.

We pulled out of the hug. He smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you at school."

I grinned. Tears continued to form in my eyes. "Yeah. See ya at school." I muttered.

It's so unreasonable. This is all my fault.

I looked for Logan and his family next. I owed them all a huge thank you.

"Logan!" I called out. They all looked at me.

"Hey, Asia." Logan said, softly with a frown.

"Hey, Logan." I said trying to seem less upset than I actually was. "I just wanna say thank you. To all of you. I wouldn't have survived without you guys."

Logan's mom pulled us all into a hug. I grinned knowing that I was always gonna have a home with them.

But it's so unreasonable that I had to leave them now. They tried to get custody of me and Charlie, since we all knew we were gonna get the worst of it, but their lawyer said it was a bad idea: they listened.

We all separated and I was told to get in the van. I sat next to Charlie and we stayed huddled together. This was likely gonna be one of the last times we see each other.

I owe Charlie my life.

Without him, I also wouldn't have made it.

"I'm gonna miss you..." I mumbled to him.

"Don't worry. We'll still go to the same school. We'll figure it out." He said.

"You say that, but I don't know if I believe you."

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