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Asia's POV

Dallas sped down the freeway and he must have tripled the speed limit. Hell, I knew he did when I saw the red and blue lights flashing behind us.

"Dallas, the cops are behind ya." I yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"The cops are behind ya!" I said trying to get my voice to be heard over the wind.

"The cops?" He asked.

"Yeah! They've got their lights on 'cause your going over the speed limit!"

"I know!" He yelled.

"You know!?" I snapped.

"I know, darlin'!"

I wasn't sure what to say. I just watched the little pin go up higher and higher. "Dallas, pull over!" I yelled.

"Can't." I barely heard him say.

"Why not?!"

"I don't have a license."

"You don't have a license?!" I scolded.

"Are you just repeating everything I say, doll?" He asked.

I ignored his question. "Why didn't you say you don't have a license?" I screamed.

"Didn't come up! Just hold on. I'll get us out of this!" He yelled over my rambling.

"Jesus Christ." I mumbled holding on for dear life. "I'd rather get arrested than die!" I yelled.

I could hear him groan over the wind clear as day. "None of that is gonna happen! Hold on!"

"I am holding on!" I yelled.

As I finished my sentence, Dallas swerved right and nearly nailed the back of a red corvair.

I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. At this point it was my best option. I still heard the sirens from behind us. I looked up and Dallas was going in between cars and barely missing them.

"Dallas, if anyone sees your license plate we're fucked."

"No we're not." He said back.

"I know you say that but-"

He cut me off. "Yeah, I do say that. Doll, calm down and enjoy it." He said as he slowed down a bit and turned the corner.

I sighed. He drove for a few more minutes and you could no longer hear sirens behind us.

"Well? Anything to say?" He asked, pulling over to the side.

I thought for a second. "Impressive." Was all I was able to say.

He laughed. His long, messy hair swung in his face and it caused me to laugh. I pushed it back and he closed his eyes at my fingers on his forehead.

"Anywhere else you wanna go tonight?" He asked.

"I think I'll pass. Had fun though." I said with a sly grin.

"Alright, alright. We'll go back home." He said.

He turned around and we started back towards Logan's. I want lying when I said I was impressed with him. It really was cool that he got out of that situation. Especially without a license and a teenage girl screaming in his ear telling him to pull over.

Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.

Dallas drove us to Logan's and I was quick to get off.

Dallas laughed. "Y'know, you're more jumpy than I thought."

I felt my heart sink.


"Asia?" He asked.


"You ok?"

"Yeah. Thanks for tonight, Dallas. I really do mean that. I know I was kinda rude before, but..." I stopped. I was distracted.

"Don't worry about it. See ya in a few hours." He said putting the motorcycle away.

I gave him a slight grin and went inside and up to my room.

That grin was forced.

Just because I didn't wanna die that makes me jumpy?

God, who am I kidding?

I wanted to say I hated Dallas, but oh my God I wanted to be just like him.

Jesus, what's the word for it?

Mr I-Don't-Care-About-Anything? So... so... unrestricted.

Yep. That's the word.

That's what I wished I was like. I've been dreaming of this for years and years now. Ever since I moved to New York and then some.

If one person can see through my act in one night, I can only imagine how many people can see through my fake confidence when they've known me for years.

Dallas' POV

I locked the front door and went upstairs. I heard Asia shift on her bed. Something about her I don't understand. One second she acts like she's better than everyone else and the next she's humble. Like everyone is better than her.

It didn't make any sense. And she got all upset when I said she was jumpy. And I didn't mean it in a bad way. I mean, I know she's never been on a motorcycle with me before. I just said what I noticed.

She's different than what I thought. Very different. But in a way I can't figure out.

She's so... God, I don't know. There's not even a real word to describe it.


Maybe that was it? I mean, she doesn't care about what anyone thinks, she does what she wants and she doesn't have any limits.

Fuck. I dunno.

Asia Adams, I swear I'm gonna figure you out one day. Maybe not soon, but one day.

Asia's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and hoped to God today was going to be better than yesterday. With the whole drive in thing and getting called 'jumpy,' I need a win today.

I slapped my alarm clock and sat up. I threw on the hoodie I was wearing last night to cover my arms and started to go downstairs.

Dallas walked out of his bedroom the same time as me.

That unrestricted grin. I've grown to use that word more often. It described him perfectly and now I can't get it out of my head.

"Mornin' doll." He said.

"Hey, Dal." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked. I knew damn well why I wasn't ok and I'm sure he picked up on the fact I wasn't either.

"I dunno. You seemed to act weird after last night. Just asking."

I sighed. "I'm good. I'm just looking for a good day ahead." I said with a small chuckle.

Dallas opened his mouth to speak as we got to the bottom of the stairs, but we were quickly interrupted by an unfamiliar voice from the kitchen, which we both noticed.

"Logan invite a new guy in?" Dallas asked as we were about to turn the corner.

"Well... I guess there's always tomorrow." I said, ready to meet this guy and get it over with.

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