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Asia's POV

Dallas and I moved in quickly after everyone left. We needed a few more things, considering it was bigger than where we stayed at Bucks, but it was nothing too bad.

We bought a couch and kitchen supplies first. Lucky for us, the previous owners left a mattress for us. We bought a bed shortly after the couch. Everything else we took some time to buy with and saved up.

Dallas and I went out to eat for dinner at a restaurant downtown. It was super nice. It wasn't like a diner where everyone could just walk in.

I never really went to restaurants like these. They were always out of my budget. Even know they still are, but Dallas insisted he wanted to go here.

It shocked me a bit. Dallas never seemed to want to go anywhere remotely fancy. Even this place wasn't high class. It wasn't like the president would ever eat here. But it was fancy to Dallas and I for what we grew up with.

We finished our meal and I didn't even wanna look at the bill. I let Dallas handle that. His expression said it all.

I was about to get up and leave, but Dallas just sat there. "Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hang on." He said avoiding eye contact.

I raised an eyebrow. "Umm... ok?" I said with a confused tone.

He looked around. "Wanna get married?" He asked.

My eyes widened. I didn't say anything. He pulled out a little tiny box with a gorgeous diamond ring in the center. My mouth must have fallen to the floor.

"Are you serious?"

"As heart disease."

I laughed at his joke. "Yes. Yeah, I would love to get married." I muttered trying to contain my shock.

He kissed me from across the table and I put the ring on my finger.

Not the most traditional proposal, but I loved it. I wouldn't have asked for it any other way. I know Dallas and I know he would have dreaded getting down on one knee and asking the question on a romantic boat ride in the Maldives.

This. This was perfect. At a mildly fancy restaurant.

Dallas and I walked home and i kept staring in awe at my finger. "Did you see it coming?" Dallas asked out of curiously.

"No, I didn't. I always figured I would know before you did it, but I truly had no idea. I didn't even think you were acting different until you wanted to stay at the restaurant."

"I told Charlie first. I told him before he even came to visit here. Jackson, Devin and Logan all found out when they came down here."

"Are you kidding! Charlie knew about it the whole time and he didn't let it slip!"

Dallas and I laughed. "I know. I was surprised too."

I let out a breath. "I never thought I'd be here to experience this, if I'm being honest." I said, softly.

"I know. You've always had that point of view on life. I'm pretty sure I've overheard you say you don't wanna live past eighteen."

I grinned at how naive I was. "I have said that. I've always said that since I was young, which is terrible for a child to say. But I'm very glad I did."

"Out of curiosity, what did you want to happen when you turned eighteen?"

"Eventually I thought the world would just take me over. I'd die through some freak accident because I'm not careful. But as I got older, I got more careful and I hoped something would happen by the time I turned eighteen."

"Oh." He said dully.

"I would never do it to myself. I hoped the world would do it for me. I mean, by the time I was twelve I was already stabbed and shot a numerous amount of times. I figured it would get me one day."

"I can see why you'd think that." We both laughed.

"But I'm very happy with where I am now and I'm very happy the world never got to me like it did with others." I said with a slight grin.

I always thought my life was super unfortunate. Actually, when I lived in Detroit, I was told by someone that I have the most unfortunately unlucky life they've ever seen and nobody would be able to top it.

Dallas was right. I am a pessimistic person. I always look at the down side of things and hope for the worst, to maybe see a bit of happiness if things don't turn out the worst.

It was a bad way to go through life, cause all it taught me was to never try. Never try to get better than the worst.

But I now realize that maybe my life isn't so unfortunate. I have amazing friends, a now amazing fiancé (a fiancé!!! Isn't that crazy???) I'm happy with where I am, I have my own house and I've survived on my own since I can even remember.

I should be proud of what I've gone through.

And hey, maybe I haven't had the best of luck.

Hell, I know I haven't.

But being here now, well, it made me realize that everyone has bad days and everyone has good days. Jenna always seemed to have to best days out there and she didn't end up marrying a billionaire and moving to Paris.

Sometimes things are unexpected.

Maybe that's the unfortunate part of life.

But, hey. I'm glad I've had the most unfortunately unlucky life out there, because it finally brought me to where I am now... the happiest I've ever been.

The End :)

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