Unended (epilogue)

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Asia's POV

Dallas and I didn't waste a lot of time after he asked me to marry him. We both thought of a traditional wedding, but we both quickly agreed on getting married in a courthouse super quickly and having a reception with our friends.

Charlie moved in off the road by the movie house and it was crazy to believe he moved here because of me.

Then Devin, Jackson, and Logan all came down again for our reception weekend.

We had to make it a weekend because of the guys coming down from New York.

And I mean, hey, what's so bad with having a weekend all about me?

Everything seemed to be going great.

Except for the part when people started to ask when Dallas and I were gonna have kids.

I still don't really know how I feel about that.

I mean, Dallas and I having a kid would be kinda crazy. They'd be the cutest kid ever, but I don't think I could bring a baby into the world and have them growing up hating me like I did my parents.

I feel like Dallas thinks the same way, but he'd never say it.

But enough about the kid thing. It's not happening anytime soon.

Everything just seemed to be normal.

I wasn't the fucked up Asia Adams anymore.

I was the normal Asia Winston.

That's still crazy for me to hear.

I never thought I would live in normalcy. I work a job, I'm married, I have my own house, and I feel like every other woman in America.

What a life.

But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm really happy where I'm at.

I even got a new job!

Dallas still works a lot of nights at Bucks, but I moved onto bartending at another family restaurant downtown.

But today Dallas and I both got a day off. We both work nights somethings and I also work mornings, meaning we still see each other a lot.

But we both rarely ever get the same day off.

So we spent it at home watching TV.

The phone started ringing. "I'll get it." I said getting up.

"Just sit down." Dallas said. "We'll call them back later. We're getting to the good part." He said leaning forward.

I shrugged and sat back down. I really wasn't in the mood to answer a phone call likely regarding bills or work stuff.

The movie ended and I spoke up. "It was kinda lame, to be honest."

"Lame? I thought it was cool. You're lame."

I laughed slightly. "Yeah, ok. I'm hungry. What's for lunch?"

Before Dallas could respond, we heard the door slam open from behind us. We both quickly jumped up and turned around.

"Charlie? Jesus, you scared me!" I yelled.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Dallas asked.

He was out of breath. "Are you ok?" He asked running up to me.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine..." I said more of a question.

"Oh... shoot, well I thought you'd be more upset..."

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