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Asia's POV

I turned around, shocked that anyone would be talking to me at this time.

"Asia..." Dallas said running up to me.

"Dally? What are you doing here?" I asked with a surprised tone.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Can it wait? I have three minutes." I said.

I started to turn around and hand her the money.

"No, it can't." He said slapping the money out of my hand.

"Dallas!" I scolded.

"Please. It'll only take a minute." He begged.

"I need to be on that train."

"Asia, please. Thirty seconds."

I sighed. "Sorry. Go ahead." I said sadly, to the woman who let me go in front of her.

He pulled me around the corner and I crossed my arms. "Thirty seconds."

"Please stay here. I'm begging you. I'll get on my knees if I have to. I've spent seven months regretting everything that happened. I'm sorry. Just give me one more chance."

"Dallas... I don't wanna say this is a stupid idea... but it's a stupid idea."

"Asia, please. If it doesn't work out, I'll pay for your ticket to wherever you wanna go. Where you goin'? California?"

I nodded. He turned the corner and asked the woman when the next train for California was, besides the one leaving now.

"Tomorrow at 8 PM."

He gritted his teeth. "What about after that?"

She looked at her book. "Four days. Thursday at noon."

He looked back at me. "Please. Just give me four days. I'm begging you."

I sighed. "Dallas, if I said yes, this would single handedly be the most unintelligent thing I've ever done in my life. And I've made a lot of unintelligent decisions."

"I'll pay for your ticket and I'll give you two hundred dollars."

I gasped. "Dallas, that's insane."

"Four hundred. Deal?" He asked holding out his hand.

I sighed. I had one minute to get that ticket and get on the train.

"Dallas-" I started.

"Please. Asia, I'll make this worth your while. I promise."

"Get on your knees." I said quickly.

"What?" He asked in all seriousness. 

"Get on your knees and beg for it." I said with a malicious grin.

"You're kidding..."

"You said you would. So if I'm about to make the most unintelligent decision of my life... get on your knees and beg for it." I said.


"You said you would." I said cutting him off.

It took him way off guard. Never in a million years would he have thought he'd actually have to do it.

I know he dreaded it. He slowly got down and groaned. "Please give me another chance." He said plainly.

I laughed. "Four days. And I would have done it without this." I said with a slight grin.

He rolled his eyes. "Haha. You're so funny."

"I know." I muttered, grabbing my stuff. I saw him crack a slight grin. "Well, now I've gotta walk back downtown to that hotel."

"Bucks is closer. Just come with me."

"No thanks. I don't wanna just appear out of nowhere and expect to stay with you." I said, quoting what he said at the drive in.

"Are we still gonna talk about this?" Dallas asked, rubbing his neck.

"Yep. Obviously I'm gonna remember one of the most hurtful things said to me." I said really just trying to make it feel bad.

"How many times do I have to apologize for it?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter. Apologies mean shit." I said walking towards the downtown area.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked lighting a cigarette.

"It means that saying the word "sorry" doesn't go in and fix everything. Everyone can say that. Doesn't mean you mean it."

"So do you just have five million grudges?"

"Nope. Grudges are a waste of time. If I've learned anything in my life, it's to not care. I've moved on. But I can't just forget it ever happened."

"I don't get it." Dallas said dumbly.

"You don't have to. I'm just saying your apologies mean nothing. It doesn't take back anything you said to me."

He sighed. "Alright. Fine. But you apologized to me a few hours ago."

"I did. Yes, but did it take back anything I did? No. Sometimes you gotta prove it. And did I go out of my way to find you and apologize, yes. So it might be just me, but I think I proved it well enough. It's your decision if you wanna move on or hold a grudge." I said, grinning.

I whisked his cigarette out of his hand and used it as my own. I saw him roll his eyes, but I also saw him try to hide his grin.

We walked to the hotel and I stopped and groaned, looking for my money.

"Need help?" He asked.

"No. I can handle myself, thank you very much." I said, sarcastically.

"Just offerin', doll."

I finally found my wallet and looked at Dallas. "See ya tomorrow." I said with a playful wave.

"See ya." He muttered.

I threw the cigarette to the floor and smashed it with my shoe.

I got my room and I went to bed as soon as I laid down. I was more tired than I seemed.

I hated myself for the decision I made at the train station. I couldn't believe myself!


I was caught at a weak moment and now I'm in Tulsa for half of a week.

I had a feeling I wasn't gonna enjoy it here. I've always had a pessimistic attitude on life itself, but there was something about this that I couldn't stop thinking negatively about.

I hated it.

I woke up and wondered if I could just simply lay in bed for the next four days and avoid everyone at all costs.

I got bored after five minutes and got ready for the day.

I pinched myself a few more times to make sure I wasn't dreaming (I wasn't) and I left the hotel and made my way through the city.

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