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Asia's POV

I let my thoughts consume reality as Dallas and I tried to doze off again for a few more hours before daylight.

I can't believe he wrote down what happened last night on his arm.

I had thoughts running through my mind until I realized I was about to fall asleep and I let them die down.

"Asia?" Dallas asked.

Maybe I wasn't about to fall asleep again. "Hmm?" I asked.

"Before you fall asleep, I just wanna tell you..." He stopped for a second. "I meant what I said last night. Even if I don't remember it fully..." He said trailing off at the last part.

I wasn't sure how to respond. I turned to face him and we were barely an inch apart. His bed was smaller than I expected. We just looked at each other for a moment.

I made the first move and pressed my lips against his. He trailed his hands down my back as mine made their way to his hair.

We pulled apart and I sighed. "Wish that didn't take so long." I said.

"It didn't have to." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Asia, I've been giving you these signs for years! You just never acted on 'em."

"Huh?" I asked, in shock.

"You know I knew about you before we officially met, right?"

"You've mentioned it..." I muttered.

"You remember Cameron Maverick?" He asked.

I thought for a second. My eyes widened when I remembered. "Yeah... why...?" I asked.

"Tony and I were friends with him. That's how I knew about you. We watched you beat the shit out of him in the middle of the hallway. We all eventually fell apart, but Tony and I both never got you out of our minds. We never caught your name, but we tried."

"Tony made a move on ya first, but I just thought it was pure luck on my part. I got to spend a whole night with you, for Christ's sake. And I figured I never had a chance with you. But I slept with you, I've told you I've loved you, not once, but twice! And I know you remember the first time. I got on my knees, literally, and begged you to stay with me and I told you that I would be the happiest guy on earth if I got to date you."

I felt my heart melt out of my body and down the bed. "I guess I always just figured you were trying to uphold your persona. I figured if I thought too hard about it, I'd get hurt." I said with a slight grin.

"If there's anything I've ever been serious about before in my life, it's this."

I was at a loss for words. He was so uninhibited. I never thought I'd hear him say that. "Well then, I'm serious about it, too." I mumbled.

He pulled me in closer, as he knew I wanted to go back to sleep. "Thank God, cause I've waited forever for this." He muttered just before I was about to doze off.

I woke up and I noticed the sun was actually shining and Dallas wasn't there. I pushed my hair out of my face and rubbed my eyes, trying not to smear the makeup even more on my face from last night.

I got up and went downstairs. Dally was sitting at the bar talking to Buck.

"Hey, Dal." I muttered.

"Mornin' doll. You really were tired."

I looked at the clock. It was almost eleven. "Oh wow." I said, out of embarrassment.

"I gotta get going. See ya tonight." Buck said to Dal.

"See ya."

Buck walked out the door and left us alone in the room. "What's the deal for today?" I asked sitting next to him.

"I guess we'll see."

Dallas went upstairs and got in the shower while I ate a sandwich at the bar area. I went up to the phone and dialed Charlie's number.

It rang for a moment and it finally picked up. "Hello?"

I think it was Rowan. "Hey, can I talk to Charlie? It's Asia."

"Oh, hi Asia. Yeah. He's about to leave. Hang on." I heard him yell for Charlie as he set the phone down.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey. It's Asia."

"Hey! What's up? Where ya at? Make it to L.A.?"

"Actually change of plans." I explained the whole thing to him as best as I could, leaving out what Dallas said to me last night.

"You really got Dallas to get on his knees? I dunno how he hasn't just asked you out yet. All the guys back at Logans bet on it, but never told ya."

I laughed. "Actually..."

"Did he?" He yelled.

"Yeah. Last night."

"No way! I guess that makes Jackson the winner. He bet it would be in a month. Closest guess."

"It's been two years since we've lived together. What were the other bets?"

"Devin bet a week, Logan bet three weeks, I bet one more day, and Jenna bet two more days."

"Jenna was in on it?" I asked in shock.

"Yep. She was mad when she lost." I laughed, remembering exactly how Jenna would have sounded. "Sorry to bring her up." He said quickly.

"No, don't be. I don't wanna forget her."

"Whaddya ever think happened to her? If you're ok with answering."

"I have no idea. I personally think she was trafficked. But maybe that's just me trying to think of ways where she wouldn't be dead. There was no blood, it was a group of people who took her. I dunno. Maybe I'm just trying to imagine a scenario where she's alive."

"I'm sorry, Asia."

"It's ok."

"But, hey. I'll talk to ya soon. I've gotta get to work."

"Wow, working now? What a surprise!"

"Haha. Yeah, at the movie theater. Trying to save up and buy a house of my own."

"Well, good luck. I'm rooting for you."

He laughed. "See ya soon, Asia. And I can actually say that, because I know where you are now."

I grinned. "See ya."

I put the phone down and sighed as a smile formed on my face.

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