Chapter 34: Discoveries and Deadlines

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Chapter 34: Discoveries and Deadlines

*Alexa Shiffer*

I had expected that I would be angry when I saw Lucas; not angry at Lucas, but angry because of the situation with Jordan. I thought that I would have taken my anger out on him. I had raced to school so that I could catch him before school started; I didn't want to keep in my emotions for too long. He one hundred percent was trying to avoid me, made obvious by how he was running away from me when he spotted me. When, however, he actually did stop to talk to me, surprisingly, I didn't feel angry at all. The fight in me had somehow just dwindled out, and I thought maybe it was from seeing Lucas again. I had missed talking to him recently and was fed up of being angry.

I couldn't quite believe Lucas' story. When he told me, I honestly thought he was joking. From the beginning, before he had even met me, his aim was to split me and Jordan up. As he told me everything, things just fell into place. I now understood why he had started acting so strangely that time he asked me out. It was all because of this person, His own brother had threatened him into splitting two people apart. What could his motives be? Lucas had said that he was an 'old enemy' of Jordan's, but for the life of me, I couldn't think of who that could be. Surely, Jordan had quite a few enemies.

Whoever he was, he must hold quite a grudge to ask what he had of his brother. The way that Lucas was talking about him made him sound like some sort of criminal. He had already been arrested? No wonder Lucas had never mentioned him. I didn't know exactly what to think, but the one thing that was clear was that Lucas was innocent. He had never done anything out of spite and it was his right to get angry with me on Monday. I had lied to him. Despite the fact that he had lied to me since he had met me too, somehow I wasn't angry at him. It was probably because he was threatened into keeping this deal. I wasn't threatened by Jordan, I kind of just went along with it like his little follower. I had stupidly decided to help him get revenge on Jasmine.

My mind turned a corner. Jasmine Watton. It was only just over a week ago that she re-joined Baskville High for the sole reason, as Jordan had said, to get revenge on him for breaking up with her years ago and ruining her reputation. Since hearing this from Jordan, I had expected to see and hear a lot more about her. Since those first few days, when Jordan and I fled the school after the canteen incident with Jasmine, I had basically forgotten all about her. I had gotten so caught up in being with Jordan that I had forgotten about the reason behind it all.

Now that I was no longer with Jordan, surely now was the time for Jasmine to make her move, that is if that was even what she had planned to do. I didn't know what her intentions were. If they were to get Jordan single again so that she could sweep in and somehow get him hurt, that was going to be a little difficult, seeing as how he wasn't single. No, he had already moved on.

That made me think, was it Jasmine's aim to get me out of Jordan's way or was it simply just to get him single. The same question applied to Lucas' brother. He obviously wanted me away from Jordan, but why? I didn't understand why Jasmine, as well as Lucas' brother wanted Jordan alone. Two people from Jordan's past, reappearing at the same time...

My mouth dropped open. Lucas' brother. It couldn't be... If it was who I thought it was, I had to warn Jordan. But I wasn't talking to Jordan at the moment. What was more important?

*Lucas Harrow*

As the day went on, it was becoming clearer and clearer what I had to do. Talking to Alexa again had made me realise how guilty I was for lying to her and giving in to the influence of my brother. I didn't like lying to people. That was what made me so similar to Adriana. I cared about my friends and the people that were close to me, even my brother, to a certain extent. Even though I hated him, I felt immensely sorry for him at the same time. His life was an absolute wreck at the moment and it didn't look like it was going to get any better. To think it was all caused by an incident three years ago. Well, loosely. It wasn't solely based on that incident, but it was the spark that set everything off.

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