Chapter 1: Prologue

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Chapter 1: Prologue

*Jordan Simpson*

"See you at lunch," Jasmine Watton shouted after me as I made my way towards my locker, flashing a smile her way. Like usual, a small group of blonde cheerleaders were clustered around the trophy cabinet that happened to be directly opposite my locker, however I was never convinced it was the trophies they were staring at. A few guys would give me disgusted looks when they started to giggle in their trademark high pitched fashion. As if I could help it.

I guess I had always been a popular guy since I transferred to Baskville High. Sure, I wasn't bad looking, with my Dad's blonde hair and wide built shoulders. Both my parents were tall, and need I say, very rich, working as movie directors. We moved to Michigan from Arizona two years back and I had started here instantly.

Within the first few months, I had already been accepted into the football team and had climbed my way up to the position as the Quarterback due to experience in my previous school. Some of the team, I knew, were jealous, but the position was offered to me, and I had taken it. I had learnt in my life, that there were going to be people who weren't going to like me and some that were, and that was just how life was.

Also within the first few months, I had ended up dating Miss Popular, Jasmine Watton. To be honest, I wasn't really interested in having a girlfriend so soon, but the whole school seemed to want it to happen; the high school cliché: the QB and the head cheerleader. I guess I felt pressured into it. I mean, of course she was pretty and usually fairly nice, and we had quite a few things in common, but sometimes she could be such a backstabbing bitch, not to mention a grade A drama queen.

Whichever way, we were still dating now two years later as the school 'It Couple'. I'm not saying that we hadn't had our ons and offs-we had. Many of them actually, but each time we had somehow managed to work it out, Despite us dating, we didn't spend much time together at all. We were both busy with our own things, with our own friends. When other girls were around she would do everything possible to make them jealous but somehow, when it was just us, she seemed less interested. Sometimes I sensed she wasn't even listening to what I said anymore. She had changed over those two years.

I checked what lesson I had first period. History. I hated history lessons, not because I was bad at the subject but because my best mates Jack Montegro and Rhys Walker were also in that class with me. We messed around with the teacher and never did any work which meant I was failing miserably in this particular subject. The problem was that, unlike most of the popular crowd, I actually cared about the grades I got, as I didn't want to be stuck as a cleaner in Taco Bell. I didn't' know what I wanted to do with my life and although I knew I didn't want to be some historical researcher or famous scientist or whatever, I still wanted to do all right for myself.

The three of us sat in the back row of the classroom along with Alexa Shiffer, a stubborn girl who was in most of my classes. We didn't ever talk that much-there was no need to. She got on with her own business and I got on with mine. Plus, we didn't exactly.. how to put it.. agree with each other's existence. Don't get me wrong, she was beautiful with her dark hair and eyes, but I absolutely hated her since I had started here.

I remember on my first day, when I jumped out of my ride, my parent's silver jaguar, and spotted her clambering out of an old green truck behind me. I don't know what it was, but she took one look at me and shot a condescending scowl my way before hitching her bag over her shoulder and marching up to the school doors.

For the rest of that semester she had avoided me as far as she could but that was until we were forced to sit together in history. That's when I realized how abhorrent she really was. She would never let me get a word in and was always interrupting and answering me back. I heard that she was trash talking about me behind my back and spreading rumours round the school, like that my parents had to bribe the school to let me in. What was up with her? She was basically the only girl in the entire school who wasn't afraid to say what she wanted to me and didn't convert to speechlessness and flirty giggles everytime I walked past or glanced her way. She acted so differently than anyone else to me: scorn, hatred, malice, and I didn't know why.

So, it was another accustomed lesson and this time we had hidden all the textbooks in the janitor's office. Hopefully that would score us a good fifteen minutes of the lesson. However, unlike all the other times we had disarrayed Mrs Juniper's history lessons, she sauntered in with a smug grin plastered across her face.

"Mr Simpson, Miss Shiffer, I believe there has been some of my lost property misplaced in the janitor's office. Correct?" she spitted, accompanied by a strangled cackle. "I am sure it will still be waiting for you over there at the other end of the school."

I groaned, defeated. How had she found out? Wait, Alexa? Alexa turned her head sharply to glare at me. Come on! Seriously? It had to be me and Alexa that were blamed. At least make me retrieve them by myself or with Jack or Rhys, not Alexa. Next to me, my saboteur scraped her chair back and stood up casually before making her way out of the classroom. I could hear Jack and Rhys jeering behind my back as I followed.

By the time I was out of the classroom, Alexa was already halfway down the hall towards the stairs. I snickered as she missed a step and slipped slightly, and was replied with another sharp glare although I thought I could see her blushing through the thick strands of hair that partially covered her face. Or was that just me?

It was an extremely awkward walk through the empty, silent halls of the school, with Alexa moving hastily in front of me as I sauntered along behind. I wasn't going to try and make conversation with her. I had tried that on other occasions and they had never ended up well.

After what seemed like way too long, I turned the last corner before being in the hallway where the janitor's office was located, I clocked Alexa staring fixedly through the window on the door as if, if she stared hard enough at it, it would open all by itself. As I approached, her expression changed and she shuffled her feet and gave me an uncertain sideways glance. She seemed to be contemplating her next move.

I jogged slowly up to where she was standing, curious to see what was bothering her. That was when my heart skipped a beat. Through the dusty glass of the window could see Jasmine. I knew it was her- I could recognise her anywhere. But it wasn't her being there that bothered me. It was who she was with and what she was doing with them. Ethan Harrow, one of my team mates and best friends was visible behind Jasmine. It was obvious what they were doing.

I felt a stab in my heart. Not of hurt but of anger. I mirrored Alexa's previous expression and just stared, when I noticed she was no longer looking through the glass but directly at me. I could feel her eyes burning into the side of my head. Unconsciously, I turned my head to face hers. She continued to stare at me, unblinking, almost asking from her eyes, what I was going to do.

I could feel the anger boiling up inside of me and knew it was only a matter of time before it was unleashed. I clenched my jaw and fists to stop myself from opening the office door, and turning my back on Alexa, stormed back down the corridor, away from her, Jasmine and my so called friend.

What else was I to do than to dump her in front of everyone? She deserved it no matter how humiliated she was. She even pretended she didn't know what she did wrong. She was a complete waste of my time the past two years. I had no clue how long she had been seeing Ethan, but it didn't matter. It was the fact that it had happened, and that couldn't be undone.

Since then, Jasmine moved to England with her loaded family to get away from everyone. That's not what she told everyone of course. What she told everyone was that she had been offered a modelling contract over there and couldn't pass up the offer, They would believe anything she told them: she was the Queen Bee after all.

I still thought it was a little over the top. It was just a break-up, even if it was very public and very embarrassing for her. Surely, she was just as relieved as I was to end it there. It was easier for the both of us.

As for Ethan, he disappeared from school and hadn't been heard of since. Maybe for the better. Some kind of friend he had turned out to be.

Probably the two people I knew the best and trusted the most had betrayed me. I guess now I knew who I could trust in life.

Yeah that's right: No one.

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