Chapter 22: Invitation

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Chapter 22: Invitation

*Jordan Simpson*

"Um...erm... Well, I guess it was when it was all over," I stuttered, laughing a bit.

Alexa closed her notebook and looked exhausted. We had been going at this for about an hour and a half already.

"You can't say that in an interview, Jordan! They want to hear about what you enjoyed about being in the movie, not how much you hated doing it!"

"I didn't hate doing it, it was just a lot of work and effort," I moaned. "Plus, I was nine years old back then. I don't remember every little detail, and I've changed a lot too."

"Yeah, little Jordan knew how to do an interview," Alexa stated matter-of-factly. I shot her a glare.

"Not helping, dude."

Alexa sighed.

"Okay, let's try this: pretend you're not in an interview or anything. You're just talking to me."


"Tell me, what did you first think when you were asked to be in this movie?"

"Well, at first, I thought they were joking; I didn't believe them."

"Good. Okay, what was the best part of your experience, or in your case, the least bad part?"

"Hmmm, probably when we had a huge buffet on set after we reached our halfway point in the filming," I grinned.

"Awesome. So, how did you react when you found out that Race To The Year 3000 was going to be turned into a stage production?"

"I didn't. All I could hear was, 'interview', 'interview', 'interview'."

Alexa's smile dropped dramatically.

"Argh, you were doing so well! You can't say that either," she groaned.

"But it's the truth."

"Well, make something up."

I sighed dramatically.

'Okay. When I found out, I was completely overjoyed and filled with overwhelming happiness! Race To The Year 3000 was going to be made into a stage production? Who wouldn't be excited at the announcement of that news? Ha ha, certainly not me, that's for sure." I waggled a finger at Alexa. She burst out laughing.

"Thats perfect," she said, sarcasm laced in every word.

I nodded my head in mock appreciation.

"You'll be fine, Jordan, as long as you try not to think about the fact that you're sitting in an interview. Just try to imagine sitting here in your home and it will be okay, okay?" Alexa said kindly.

I breathed a sigh.

"Alright misses, I'll have a go."

She smiled as if she'd achieved something great and clapped her hands together.

"Look who's a good, brave boy!" she teased.

"I am! Me!" I joined in. We laughed and mucked around for a bit.

Now, how would I ask what I was planning to ask next? I didn't know how she'd react. She's very unpredictable. Like, she was fine earlier and then as soon as I told her what film we were watching, it was like her inner monster just broke loose. I still don't have a clue what she was talking about, but I'd chosen to just 'keep calm and carry on,' as they say. It was the best thing to do.

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