Chapter 25: Secrets Don't Stay Secrets

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Chapter 25: Secrets Don't Stay Secrets

*Alexa Shiffer*

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face.

Who am I kidding? I woke up this morning with hair in my mouth and sleep in my eyes, but you know, use your imagination. It was a psychological smile. Even that was a surprising considering it was a Monday morning.

I'd had a good weekend and I had woken up feeling, for a while, that today was going to be just as good.

Boy, could I be any more wrong.

First things first, I fell out of bed. Yes, you read that right: fell. I hadn't fallen out of bed for years. That had to be a sign, right? I should have seen something bad coming. Or am I just being over-analysing and dramatic?

Next up, my eyeliner pencil snapped in half whilst I was sharpening it. If falling out of bed wasn't clear enough a sign, this did it. I stared in horror at my broken eyeliner for a good few minutes. It's not like it mattered too much, I could go without, but it was screaming at me to be noticed. How could my eyeliner break? I'm really not that strong.

From that point on I was more wary, taking slower steps and making more careful movements. Okay, it may seem like I'm taking this all a bit too seriously, but you don't understand: I don't fall out of bed or snap pencils in two on a daily basis. I didn't need anything else added on top of that.

I'm not even superstitious, but I guess I was just a bit weirded out.

Thankfully, I made it through the next 45 minutes at home without any trouble. Well, apart from falling on the floor whilst fighting for the last waffle, but hey, that wasn't really that rare.

Then it was time to leave for school.

Earlier, Jordan had sent a message telling me that he was going to pick me up at the end of my road like normal. Good boy. He was learning.

Even the journey went okay. We managed to go the whole way without even insulting each other that much. It must've been a record.

It was fine, see? Everything was going to be okay after all. I knew I was just over-acting...

It was when we got to school that it all went horribly wrong.


*Lucas Harrow*

I paced my bedroom floor, not for the first time this week. Monday morning had eventually come, despite me trying to mentally prevent it with all the willpower I could muster.

Monday meant confrontation time. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I needed someone to unleash my anger on, and who better than the girl who caused it?

I had been thinking about it the whole weekend. How could I not? It was a big deal. I had been let down by someone who I felt I could call a close friend. I know it's bad, but to be perfectly honest, deep down, I couldn't wait to be able to explode at Alexa. She deserved it. She hurt me a lot and I wanted her to realise the extent of her actions.

I needed to get what I wanted to say, off my chest. It was a burden I couldn't bear to carry anymore. This is why I got on better with Adriana. We both had the same views on the importance of friendships. For example: a friend shouldn't openly lie to your face. Which is exactly what Alexa had done.

I'm ashamed to have to admit that I was fooled by Alexa's pretty face and seemingly perfect act of a personality, into thinking that Alexa was such a great person, who I was fortunate to be spending time with. Yeah, right.

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