Chapter 19: Pancakes A Close Call and Another Date?

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Chapter 19: Pancakes, A Close Call And Another Date?

*Alexa Shiffer*

I was dreading this morning.

I was up at night thinking about all the possible outcomes. Hopefully it would all happen without any drama or anyone seeing. Would our neighbours be up at 7:30 in the morning? I really hoped not.

I mean, what harm could it do, really? It seemed like I was making such a big fuss out of just a little lift, but it was the fact that it was Jordan giving me that lift. I've already mentioned how he was the 'enemy' in our neighbourhood. We were all pretty close, so one family's pain was also another's. Sometimes that would be a positive thing, but right now, in my situation, it was the worst thing.

How was I to know that it would get even worse?

I noticed it as I trudged down the stairs to get to the kitchen: Pancakes. I hadn't smelt that in ages but it was undoubtedly that.

Any other normal person would have probably been ecstatic, but not me. This meant only one thing: My parents were home.

Why? I cried out inside my head. Why just today? Any other day but today!

I had a moment of pure panic in my head. What should I do? I ran through my options:

1) Run out of the house as fast as humanly possible and wait at the end of the road for Jordan, then wave like a mad thing as he turned the corner so he did not go onto my road.

2) Give in to the smell of those oh-so-delicious pancakes and face the consequences (but everything would be better with some pancakes in my stomach, right?)

3) Eat some pancakes quickly and spend a little family time in the kitchen before sneaking out of the house a little early without my parents following me.

4) Or there was always the option to quickly send Jordan a message and then walk to school. Ugh, but then I would get to school late! Unless I left now... BUT THEN I'D GET NO PANCAKES.

My conclusion: Stupid parents.

I loved them and all, but they had the worst timings ever.

I stood there for a good few minutes contemplating my options. Number 1 was out of the question after I got another waft of those pancakes beckoning me from the kitchen. Number 4 was also unlikely to happen. Number 2 sounded great but there was a pretty big risk of my parents seeing Jordan pick me up. It was looking as if number 3 was the most likely at the moment.

This way, I would get at least a few pancakes and then, with a bit of my ninja skill, I would hopefully be able to make it out of the house without my parents getting involved.

I looked at the clock in the hallway. 7:15. I took a deep breath and made my way to the kitchen. Pushing the door open, my eyes fell upon a sight so rare that I seriously thought for a minute that I was in the wrong place.

My mother was standing by the stove, a saucepan in hand, whilst chatting light-heartedly to my father who was seated at the kitchen table with two huge stacks of pancakes in front of him-presumably one for me- and a mug of coffee at his side.

My mother was wearing a bright, floral dress and her reddish-brown hair was in loose curls that perched neaty on her shoulders. Her make-up and jewellery suggested that she was going out today.

My father was probably the only thing that looked the same in this situation. He was dressed in a plain blue shirt with a black tie, black trousers, and black shoes. He always dressed really posh and proper, even when he was just at home.

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