Chapter 43: In Question

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*Jordan Simpson*

"Ethan, stop!"

Ethan's head twisted around at the sound of his name and I took this chance to slip to the side, out of his reach. I blinked in disbelief at who I saw then. Jasmine was standing in the car park outside her car with a look of determination on her face. I must have completely missed the sound of her pulling up.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Ethan said slowly. The hysteria in his voice was evident as he stalked towards his interruption. "Who told you to turn up?"

"Leave him alone, Ethan," Jasmine demanded, looking unafraid. I looked between them in shock, trying to figure out their connection. By the way they were talking, it was clear that they had been in contact recently.

"Why on earth would I listen to you? Stay out of my way or you'll be next," he spat viciously.

"I'm not scared of you," she retorted. "This has gone too far."

"Well you should be scared of me," he growled. "Why couldn't you stay at home and keep out of it. You've been such a good little girl until now. You dare defy me?"

"What are you talking about?" I demanded. Ethan locked his arm around Jasmine's neck and grinned emotionlessly at me.

"This doll's been a great help to me, haven't you?" Ethan said, whilst Jasmine struggled to escape his grasp. "She helped out with my little fun on the side."

"No," Jasmine shouted, her voice muffled. "Let me explain!" I ran over to help her out of Ethan's headlock but he twisted his body away so I couldn't reach her. Ethan shouted over his shoulder to me.

"She played a great part in tearing apart you and your little feisty-"

"Ethan! Stop!" Jasmine pleaded desperately. "Don't!" She finally broke free from his grip and ran over to me. She had tears in her eyes. "Just let me explain!" I was so focused on what was happening in front of me that I didn't register the sound of running and shouting.

"I'm sick of you," Ethan spat, and shoved Jasmine away. She stumbled backwards, helpless against Ethan's brutal strength. "Stop getting in the way and let me finish what I started." Everything happened so quickly after that.

Ethan screamed and lunged towards me suddenly, whilst pulling something out of his pocket. Then he suddenly flew back violently as if repelled by an invisible barrier. He let out a long stream of curses as he was dragged away by two large men dressed in uniform. I stared in silence at Ethan's kicking, struggling body getting smaller and smaller. I tried to engage my mind and move, but all I could see were those mad, grey, emotionless eyes that had been so close to my face just seconds ago. I felt as though I were under a trance.

"Jordan! Jordan!" I heard a familiar voice screaming from a distance. I hurriedly took in my surroundings, my eyes searching for Alexa's. There were two police cars stationary at sharp angles, with doors flung open. Bright blue emergency lights flashed over the car park in the early morning light. Frantic voices were coming from all directions. I was so shocked that I was left staring at the scene with wide eyes.

There were various people gathered around the scene. Ethan had been forcefully pushed into the nearest police car by the officers and Jasmine was in tears, collapsed on the floor. Standing in the middle of the two vehicles was Lucas, staring woodenly into the space in front of him with an unsettling expression on his face. It seemed that his jaw was trembling but I was surprised to find my own vision blurring. I struggled to focus my mind, sure that I was missing something important.

The next moment two arms flung around me and squeezed me tightly, almost knocking me off of my feet.

"Jordan, are you okay?" the voice I had been waiting to hear called out to me. I wrapped my arms back around Alexa and nodded.

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