Chapter 21: Innocence And A Lot Of Popcorn

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Chapter 21: Innocence And A Lot Of Popcorn

*Alexa Shiffer*

I could not believe this guy. Did he think this was some kind of joke? Because I didn't find it funny.

What was all that crap about with 'oh I chose you because I don't want anyone to judge me'? Yeah right. He chose me because he wants to rub his fame and family's fortune in my face. And just watching it in his own flashy mansion was just the cherry on the cake wasn't it.

Like I'd always said: he was was a snobbish jerk, and I can't believe I had ever though that he could be anything more than that. My parents were right all along.

Was Jordan seriously going to make me sit there and watch his parents' movie; the movie that changed everything and forced my parents to work in offices all day, every day. Ha, I don't think so.

I stood up, letting the seat spring back into place.

"I can't do this, Jordan, and I can't believe you'd do this either."

Jordan looked completely and utterly shocked. Good acting, mate. I see right through you.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Jordan asked desperately, also standing up and now towering over me.

"You know exactly why you brought me here don't you? And I can't believe you're even trying to deny it!" I yelled.

"What? I seriously don't know what you're talking about, Alexa. I brought you here for the exact reason I told you." Our voices had risen to shouting but I doubt anyone would be able to hear us; this room was probably sound-proofed.

"Hah. Like I can believe that. Go on tell me the real reason why. Tell me how you wanted to rub this all in my face. I'm rich, you're not. My parents had success with this movie, not yours. Oh, and to top it off, let me show you how I starred in it too, because I'm just that awesome and talented."

"What are you talking about? I meant what I said. Look, listen to me-"

"No, Jordan. You listen to me. You know, I actually thought that I was wrong about you. I actually thought that you were a decent, funny and even caring guy that maybe even liked me. But no. You're the snobbish jerk I always knew you were. All you care about is yourself. You, you, you," I emphasised my point by stabbing my finger at him with each 'you'.

"You don't like me at all do you? This whole game was just to rub this in my face wasn't it? You couldn't care less about me could you? But at least it all makes sense now. I always wondered what the real reason was for you choosing me to play in your little game. I guess I know now."

Jordan didn't say anything. He just stared at me, his green eyes penetrating right into my soul. He didn't look apologetic. He looked angry, disappointed and betrayed. We stood in silence for a while, both of us trying to out-stare the other. He was the first to look away, but not out of defeat. The way he looked at me suggested that I had just done something terrible, not that it was his fault. He turned away from me and sat back down into his seat, vacant eyes boring into the back of the chair in front of him.

I bit my lip. How was he making me feel guilty when I had done nothing wrong? It was his fault, not mine. And now he'd left me standing there feeling pathetic.

"What. Speak. You can't just be silent," I growled.

"There's nothing to say, Alexa," Jordan said in the quietest voice I had heard him speak in.

"Because you know it's true?" I suggested bitterly.

"Because you're not listening to me when I tell you the truth." He once again looked at me.

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