Chapter 40: Plan B

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*Alexa Shiffer*

"I have a feeling that our parents are going to be a while," Jordan said, still hugging me.

"Did they tell you everything?" I asked, really curious to know why they had suddenly turned up like this.

"Yeah," he sighed and loosened his hold on me so that he could look at my face. "They finally told me the reason for why they did it." I looked at him expectantly but he didn't tell me. "I think your parents should tell you themselves later," he said. I couldn't help but feel overcome by curiosity and I was desperate to push further, but knowing that this was not the right time, I nodded slowly.  

"Okay," I said and took a deep breath. "Let's go and sit down then, since they're going to be a while." With the sudden shock of what had happened, I felt drained physically and emotionally; my heart only just now slowing to its normal pace. I climbed a few stairs before looking back when Jordan didn't follow.

"What, upstairs?" he said raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes.

"What? What's so surprising? Don't look at me like that," I pouted.  

"It's just that the last time I came to your house and tried to go upstairs you pushed me away." A smirk spread across his face and I turned my head to the side as I felt heat creeping up my cheeks. His playful expression immediately lightened the mood and the tense, oppressive atmosphere was completely obliterated, so much so that I forgot the reason he came here in the first place.   

"That was when I still hated you," I muttered. He laughed.

"So you don't hate me anymore, huh?" I ignored him and began walking up the stairs but he caught my wrist and twisted me around. "I didn't hear an answer," he teased.

"Fine, I don't hate you as much." I smiled sweetly. I tried to shake my hand free but he still didn't let go.

"You know that's a lie." He climbed the stairs, closing the space between us. I couldn't stop my cheeks from reddening and my heart was beating so fast that I was sure he could hear it. "Your face is so red," he said, reaching a hand out to touch my face. "Do I really have that much of an effect on you?"

"Shut up," I retorted and slapped his hand away defensively. He laughed heartily.

"You're so funny, angel," he chuckled. My heart involuntarily leapt at the name he had used when we first started dating.

"Really?" I huffed, raising my eyebrow, trying to bluff that I was keeping my cool. "I thought that nickname had worn off already."

"Never." He grinned and finally loosened his grip on my wrist as he took another step closer. I took that opportunity to wriggle free from his grasp and I bolted upstairs and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I leant back heavily to stop Jordan from following me in. I breathed out a short sigh and focused on restabilising my racing heart once again, as well as cooling my face down by frantically fanning my hands in front of me. Since when did I become so like this around Jordan?

"You think you can get rid of me that easily?" Jordan's voice floated in from the other side of the door, his voice as calm as ever.

"I hoped so," I replied, obviously contradicting what my body was clearly yelling at me.

"I'll give you one more chance to tell me the truth about how you feel about me," he said coolly.

"But I've already told you," I argued, determined to win for once. "How about you stop victimising me and tell me how you feel about me?" I waited for a reply and bit my lip. My heart felt like it was trying to break from inside my chest as I endured the sudden silence.  

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