Chapter 3: Welcome Back To Baskville

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Hey :) This is my third chapter, hope you like it xxx


Chapter 3

*Alexa Shiffer*

The room was still silent. By now Jordan had sensed my eyes boring into the side of his head and eventually tore his gaze from Jasmine to look at me. His eyes carried a look of desperation and sorrow but also, something I had never seen before: trust. By this point, the rest of the class were craning their necks to catch a look at him, expecting a casual, dismissive comment. However, for once, Jordan Simpson, the 'perfect guy' everyone looked up to, was extensively stuck for words.

"Welcome back to Baskville," I had spluttered out, breaking the deathly quiet, as animatedly as I could manage. I didn't even realize it had come out.

"Why thank you Alexa, enchanting to see you once again," Jasmine said softly with her pefect honeyed voice which would usually get all the guys, but right now, it was just excruciatingly painful to listen to.

"It's wonderful to have you back Miss Watton, I will just go to get you your welcome back pack." Mrs Aldridge left, grinning from ear to ear. The second the glass door clicked shut, a distasteful glower replaced Jasmine's previous sugared smile. That was more like the face everyone in the school had been used to seeing daily as she strutted the school hallways in her 6 inch platforms while surrounded by a group of her personal butt kissers. They learnt it from her, she was such a kissup herself.

"And now for you, Jordan." His head had been hanging low until now, as he tried his best to look confident and collected. But you could see in his eyes that his emotions were strained.

"Did you miss me?" She spat out distastefully. But it was the next sentence which cut off his breath.


*Jordan Simpson*

"I made sure I came back for you."

The sentence caught my breath and suddenly my heart began hammering inside my chest. My gaze met with her perfectly outlined, baby blue eyes which were now narrowed into thin slits, glaring at me under her long, fake, black eyelashes. I had never seen her look at me like this before, as we had been dating for so long and I made sure I avoided her gaze after I broke up with her years ago. Well, before she moved to England.

Once again, everyone was straining to look at me, anticipating my response. That was one of the problems with being popular. Alexa had saved me before, for some unknown reason, but this time it was left to me to sort it out on my own.

"What do you mean?" I eventually managed to get out. Damn, that sounded so much better in my head. I was slightly freaked out at Alexa's eyes permanently fixed on mine, like, all the time, but I especially noticed it now. I guess I was hoping she would help me out again. But why would she? She hated me, right?

Jasmine threw back her head and let out a high pitched laugh- there was a reason she had been the head cheerleader- revealing an expensive, glittering, diamond necklace dangling from her neck.

"Oh, please, Jordan, didn't you think I'd be back after you humiliated me infront of my entire school?' Oh, so the school was already hers even after being back for about 20 minutes.

"To be honest, no. I thought that you were gone for good," I replied cooly, getting my act together, even though my heart was pounding. I couldn't let her think I was weak and scared, I had to show her I was in charge of this situation. I got a few stifles of laughter by this remark which were immediately silenced by Jasmine's icy stare.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, Jordan Simpson, and you won't have your little useless back-up helping you out with your words next time." She nodded her head, towards Alexa who was currently audaciously glaring at Jasmine, mirroring her narrowed eyes. If it wasn't for Adriana holding her back, I wouldn't be surprised if she jumped up and started clawing at Jasmine's face.


*Alexa Shiffer*

HOW DARE SHE. Useless? Back-up? She thought I would ever willingly help Jordan out. Okay, I couldn't help it! It just came out. I wanted to just launch my body at her face, rip those stupid, flashy diamonds off her neck. Just because she was rich she could treat everyone like dirt. Thinking about it, I guess her and Jordan did make the perfect couple. Both stuck up and ignorant. Jasmine, of course sensing my sheer frustration, sneered mockingly, "He's found a new girlfriend has he?"

That was it. She had officially crossed the line. Not that it took much for someone to do that. I took a defiant lunge towards her when strong arms pulled me back by my waist and a warm hand covered my mouth.

"Yes, I have actually." Jordan? He yelped only loud enough for me to hear when bit on his hand, instantly regretting I didn't bite harder. Jasmine smirked as he instinctively moved his hand away from my mouth.

"Yeah, sure, we are so now dating! I absolutely ha-". Before I could finish my sentence, I flinched as Jordan squeezed my waist, hard. I whipped my head around to glare at him. There was a twinkle in his eye. And something else which I couldn't put my finger on. Behind the smile was a look similar to that of desperation and pleading. Well, let him be desperate and let him plead. I didn't care. Why did he even say that? I was not going to get into this.

"I dare you," I heard him whisper under his breath. I froze. Was that just my imagination?

Either way, that was the single worst thing that someone could have said to me at that moment. I couldn't say no to a dare. I never had. How could I now? I'd just get pegged as a boring person who couldn't have fun. Even as my mind screamed silently at me, I re-opened my mouth.

The words I said next came as such a shock that my heart skipped a beat.

 " him," I finished, smiling at a slightly shocked Jasmine through clenched teeth.

I knew Jordan would be grinning his 'I win' smile behind me. Wait. What did I just do? Did I just say that? What had I gotten myself into?


I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you thought? Also, if you are enjoying this story, please share it with other people :D thanks you xx

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