Chapter 15: Confrontation

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Chapter 15: Confrontation

*Alexa Shiffer*

I avoided them both the next day. And the one after that. I wasn't in the mood. I'd had enough of all this drama-I was still in school. I just needed to distance myself from them.

That's why I needed to spend my time better, doing things that were important. I would spend more time with my girl friends instead-who consisted of Adriana, Japera and Natalie-I didn't get on too well with other girls. That's what they always say, 'mates before dates'. Then I could concentrate on the more important things rather than boys.

Also, recently my grades had been slipping slightly. I was an A* student although I didn't let anyone know. I didn't want to be pegged as a geek or a nerd or something or other. I couldn't let anything get in the way of grades because they were the things that were actually going to get me somewhere in life. So that I can have a good future and not end up working in McDonald's or something lame.

I thanked God that I didn't have any lessons with them for the first few days. Well, at least lessons in which I sat near them but one day at the beginning of my English class, I saw Lucas whispering to Jordan and he didn't look particularly happy. Anyway, what was that to do with my business? Like I said, no more 'boy drama'.

Just my fate that it always managed to find me...

*Jordan Simpson*

I walked casually towards Lucas who was standing outside the classroom after our English lesson. We didn't say anything until we saw that Alexa had left.

"So." Lucas leaned against the wall and folded his arms. "You drive Alexa home often?" I rolled my eyes and mimicked his body language. I wasn't going to waste my time talking about this.

This was the first time I had properly talked to Lucas since he joined the school. I had heard about him and knew that he was friends with Alexa but that was it really. I wasn't threatened.

"I have done before. Why do you care?"

"Yet you're not even good enough to come and collect her yourself-you have to send someone else to do it for you. All because you think that you're the king of this school and can get whatever you want."

"Woah, I don't think that, and you didn't answer my question." I looked directly into his eyes. His expression and demeanour reminded me of someone, but I couldn't think who.

"Because Alexa deserves someone better. She's too good to be manipulated by you and involved in all of your games," Lucas answered, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Okay," I laughed. "You're a newbie here. You know nothing about me."

"It's not difficult to tell."

I wasn't going to stand there discussing this with mr I-know-everything-about-everyone. He knew nothing about me. And he had no right to say that... He didn't know about mine and Alexa's...situation.

I started to walk away past him but as I did he made sure that his shoulder slammed into me.

"I'm not done," he said, turning around. I sighed and shuffled by feet in an attempt to look bored.

"So it's okay to drive her home then?" Lucas tried not to look stupid at the fact that he was asking permission from me.

"Why would you need permission from me? I'm sure that Alexa can manage."

"Funny, a few days ago she told me that you two were dating. I guess you don't care that much for her at all."

That was when my eyes stopped wandering around the room and I stopped.

What the heck? Alexa told Lucas that we were dating. Seriously. She would never do that. Ever. The last time we talked, she made it clear enough that we were not dating-not in a million years. But maybe she had changed her mind. I mean we had been spending more time together. Then again, why were we even 'dating' in the first place?

Then it all came flooding back. In the home ec. classroom with Jasmine, that devil. When she asked if Alexa was my girlfriend. The way she looked at me with pity as if to say that I could never find anyone as good as she was after I dumped her. Newsflash-she wasn't as hot as she thought she was. She made me feel so small that I couldn't help blurting out that she was my girlfriend. I still can't believe she agreed to it.

But then why Alexa? She wasn't exactly...'nice'. I could have chosen and got any girl in the school to have as my girlfriend but it had to be Alexa-probably the only one in the school who would never agree to go out with me, yet... Maybe it was because I wanted a challenge-to prove to Jasmine and myself that I could get anyone I wanted. Or maybe it was just meant to be. Hah. As if.

But she had told Lucas that we were dating. Did I really want her to be my girlfriend? I thought it was all just 'pretend'. But there must be a reason greater than Jasmine that had kept me hanging on to Alexa. Anyway, I had to keep letting everyone think that we were together. I could sort out feelings later on.

I realised that the longer I left the silence hanging, the less likely it would be that Lucas would believe what I said.

"Well of course we're dating." I said, trying to make it seem like I was making him feel stupid rather than the fact that I had just spend a long moment thinking about Alexa.

"It's just that I trust her and she can make her own decisions. Oh and I trust that she won't get in cars with strangers." With that note I strode past, grinning.

*Lucas Harrow*

Curse him. Why did he have to make this even harder for me? So now I had to split them up first? That was going to be hard knowing what Jordan is like now. He didnt seem parricuarly ready to let her go.

I strode into the cafeteria scowling. I was wondering what he would do to me now. I told him that I'd do it as soon as possible...

As I approached our table, I almost didn't sit down as all I wanted to do was scream and punch the wall. Then I saw a pair of eyes focus on mine, and they weren't Alexa's dark ones but they were bright and blue.

Call it cheesy but in that moment, everything inside of me just began to loosen. I started to feel calmer inside. It's amazing how one look can change everything.

As I went to sit down, I felt a gentle touch loosen my fists which I didn't even notice were clenched. Involuntarily, I started to smile like a little boy who had just opened his first Christmas present. I glanced around quickly, glad to see that nobody else noticed. There was something about this girl. She was different. And I knew that I was supposed to be concentrating on Alexa, but what she didn't know wouldn't harm her. Plus he wouldn't have to know either.


As I approached the front door of my house, thinking about Adriana, I heard a loud, rough cough. I knew who it was before I even saw him step out. Why did he choose to do it here when he could literally do it at any time? I knew the answer but didnt want to tell it to myself.

"Any progression?"

"Not quite."

"Why not?"

"It's difficult ok? I'm not sure what to do next. It just keeps getting harder."

"Well sort it out. I've told you already, man up Lucas and get it done. I don't like waiting. How long will it take?"

"I'll get it done as quick as I can."

"How long?"

"Give me a two weeks."

"No, that's too long. I'll give you one week and it had better be done by then."

Then he was gone again. For now.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. There'll be more drama coming very soon! This chapter was so hard work...I lost the whole chapter after writing it for about 2 hours! It was so frustrating! Still, I do it for those who are still reading, plus I do want to eventually finish this book :)

Please let me know any comments you have on my story as it could really help me, or if not, motivate me to upload quicker, so if you wanna read, remind me, haha

Thanks for reading xx

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