Chapter 2: Senior Year

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Chapter 2

*2 years later*

*Alexa Shiffer*

It was the first day of senior year. Nothing had changed from the year before: the groups of cheerleaders and jocks hovering outside, the nerds gathered in clusters by their lockers, the goths in the dark corners. Every clique had a spot where they had been since the first time they set foot in Baskville High including my group of friends.

We didn't really fit into a certain clique, there was a diversity of different people from different backgrounds, take me for example, half asian, living in china until I was 10 years old.

Coming to Michigan was very different but I had managed to settle in well. I had also been learning the English language from a very young age so adapted well enough to that aspect. My dad had been born in China and he had lots of siblings so most of our close family lived out there. It was difficult to leave them behind when we moved, but we still tried to go back during summer and sometimes during Christmas. My parents had met when my mom visited China to do some filming out there. She was a famous movie director. They had ended up working on the same set and had hit it off immediately. She ended up staying out there with my dad until I was 10 but because of her job, she was always travelling around the globe anyway. My dad mainly worked in China, with his own film company but on several occasions, they had collaborated. One of their best collaborated movies was going to be released a few years after moving to Michigan. Note: Was going to. But it never did. Not by them anyway. I remember they were so excited.. Anyway, that's me.

My closest friend, Adriana, lived in Greece for about the same amount of time as I did in China. When we met, we had become friends instantly, even though our personalities were pretty different. Adriana was very defiant and direct, which some people would sometimes find hurtful, but I had become accustomed to her ways by now and we were practically inseparable. I think a lot of guys have also been scared of by her though. She was stunning, with blue eyes and dark hair and could probably have a lot of male attention if it wasn't for her reputation. Not that it was bad, just that she may be seen as intimidating.

Also, Japera, who moved here from Zimbabwe three years ago was part of our group. Japera was one of the single most nicest girls I have ever met. I think that she is literally incapable of saying a nasty thing. Even though she is fairly quiet, she has a heart of gold and an amazing personality. Sometimes I wonder why she's friends with me when she could be friends with anyone else in the school. Yes, she's that nice. I remember, however, that when she first started out at Baskville High, a few older kids had bullied her for being black but now, she was one of the most respected people in the school. Not to mention that she was basically the perfect student.

 Our little group's location was under the metal fire escape stairs which some of the jocks would purposely clamber down to irritate us. Including Jordan Simpson. Obviously they were always supported by the cheerleaders.

Ugh. They irritated me so much. They would always shoot us narcissistic glares as if they were so much better than we were. The only improvement in the last few years was when Jasmine Watton moved to England after breaking up with Jordan.

I still can't believe he didn't tell anyone she cheated on him. If it was me I would have told the whole school. I was the only one that knew, but unlike everything else Jordan did, I kept it to myself. I don't know why. After what he did to me. Well, indirectly, but still, it nearly affected my life. He was nothing more than another stuck-up rich boy who looked down on everyone. Just like his parents.

I was standing under the stairs like usual when Jordan's ride appeared by the school gates. New semester, new car, this time a sleek black mercedes with silver wheels flashing against the sun. This year I was hoping and praying that he wouldn't be in any of my classes like he had for the past four years. Was my luck really that bad? Yes, I dropped my mirror once, but hadn't that already been seven years? It wasn't even my fault.

As the door opened, all eyes turned to look at him. This happened nearly everyday. Sure, he was frustratingly good looking, with his movie star looks, dirty blonde hair hanging over his green eyes. If he wasn't such a ignorant twerp maybe I'd even like him.

Anyway, all the girls at Baskville High were practically begging to go out with him. I reckon he got at least five offers a day. Since he broke up with Jasmine, he hasn't dated anyone, which surprised me as I thought he would find another girl in the next few weeks. He didn't seem like the type of guy who would let a break up affect him, especially as he wasn't even that close to her when they broke up. Soon after Jordan's arrival, the bell rang so we all started to make our way to first period.

I couldn't have been any more ecstatic when I found out I was no longer in History class with Jordan. It wasn't perfect though as his best mates Jack and Rhys were still in my class. They wouldn't like that, they were practically lost without him. With Jordan gone, it meant that I could concentrate more on my work as they would always irritate our teacher. Well, I guess it was me too, I didn't want to be a kill joy, but it did affect my work. I felt like I was the only one that really cared about grades. Even if they did, no one else showed it.

Despite an awesome first period, my exuberance was short lived. Something was about to shock me big time. My next period was home ec. The thing was, I loved home ec and it was one of the only subjects in which all my friends were in. Also, the teacher was ancient and pretty frail so we literally did whatever we wanted. Then I discovered I had home ec with Jordan. I was actually so frustrated. Just when I thought I had gotten rid of him. Adriana could always seem to sense how I was feeling so, unsurprisingly, she was the first to noice my clenched jaw and fixated eyes. Thankfully I didn't have that many lessons a fortnight in this subject which meant I wouldn't have to see him that much. However, it wasn't this which shocked me the most.

"Settle down class, we have a new student joining our class from today," Mrs Aldridge announced over the hubbub of our class. We didn't register her order until she gestured outside with a tilt of her head and a tall, slim, beautiful girl cruised into the now silent room with a toss of her golden locks.

"Oh my god," was the only thing that broke the sickening silence in the eerily quiet room. I gradually turned to cast my gaze to Jordan's pale, ghostly face, mouth hanging open, eyes solely focused at the girl who stood next to the teacher, a sick grin plastered to her face.

"Class, I believe you have met Jasmine Watton."

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