Chapter 3

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"Parth! Welcome to my city, You have just arrived on the right time" Vasudev Welcomed me.

It was still strange for me that he always knew what was to happen, As if He knew each and everything.

"Madhav, How did you Knew that I have arrived? and how did you recognised me? and right time ? What is the meaning of this" I Questioned.

He just laughed "So many Questions My friend, But I have time to answer your only One Question as you can see I am the brother of the bride ! Got to go to make arrangements for my brother-in-law"

Brother in law! My heartbeats increased.

My subhadra is getting married! 

"Parth ! Parth !"

No No this can't happen! I would not allow it, she is mine ! Mine!

"Madhav! Subhadra can't get married! She is mine! I love her Madhav, You have to help me please" I begged

"Even Bhrata Duryodhan Claims to love her, Thats the reason Dau Bhaiya fixed her marriage with him" He said.

"Duryodhan! that adharmi He would never keep her happy, It is just for political resons that he want to marry her,Just to gain Dwarka as his ally. Whereas I would strive till my last breath to give her everthing she desires."

"My sister believes respect is essential in marriage, would you respect her in marriage treat her as your equal partner? Be with her always?"

"For Her I promise you on my life! I'll always stand by her"

"But what about your promise to my dear sakhi?"

"I Yagyaseni Panchali requires an Oath from my Five Husbands, That none of your other wives would reside in my Home, you are free to marry others, but none of your wives will ever live in my palace"

"I Remeber... but Subhadra is my life... I cannot live seeing her with another.
I'll convince Panchali, I know she would accept Subhadra"

"Then I'll give my blessings to you!"

Then together we went to the court

"Khanaiya what is the meaning of this? Why have you called everyone in the court, and who is this sage with you???"

"This is our cousin and my dear Friend  Rajkumar Arjun"


"He Desires to marry our beloved sister" Vasudev Stated.

"But her marriage is fixed with Duryodhan" Dau contradicted.

"Yes, Subhadra is mine!" Duryodhan bellowed

"As kshatriya it is in my rights to contest for her hand in marriage! I madhya pandav Dhananjay Arjun, Son of Maharaj Pandu and Maharani Kunti Challenge Yuvraj of Hastinapur Rajkumar Duryodhan to fight with me for the hand of Yadavi Rajkumari Subhadra daughter of Maharaj Vasudev and Maharani Rohini"

"I accept!" Duryodhan roared.

"But Maharaj they can't fight in archery, as it would be injustice for my Nephew!!" Mamashree Shakuni said.

"They would fight with swords, Then it would be Fare Fight na mamashree?" Vasudev declared.

" Yes it would be acceptable" Mamashree Shakuni agreed.

"So let the fight begin whoever wins this battle would be declared as the rightfull Lord husband of my Beloved Daughter Subhadra."

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