Chapter 19

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Darkness, Darkness and Darkness !!!
My life was seeping out of me....only one goal was in front of me, that is to reach Indraprastha at the earliest, My praja needed me, My home was calling for my help, and My wife..she must be needing me, waiting for me... as soon as we heard the news of the attack I along with Bhrata Yudishthir and Bheem left for Indraprastha whereas Sahadev and Draupadi would come later after everything was settled.

Y : Stop !!! Look out Arjun our doot is reaching us

Me and Bhrata Yudhishthir stooped as Bhrata Bheem took the letter from him.

Y: What is the message??

B: We have successfully protected our kingdom...Jayadrath has surrendered..but..

A: But what Bhrata Bheem ???

B: Subhadra has been gravely injured...Her condition is critical..Message has been sent to Vasudev..he would be reaching there as soon as possible...

Y: Send message to Sahadev and Draupadi to leave for Indraprastha Immediately...our family should be together at this critical hour!!

Subhadra is injured??? My heart stopped..

Sahadev intuitions were true!!
I have to go there...My love is needing me

B: Arjun! Arjun! Come lets go...have courage nothing would happen to her...she is a strong woman...

A: Yes She is Strong...She can't leave me alone in this world..If something happens to her...I can't lead a life without her...

Y: Don't cry Arjun..don't make assumptions on possiblities lets first reach there...everything would be alright...Subhadra won't like seeing you cry..


As we reached, Indraprastha was covered by an atmosphere of fear, dread..and anxiety the entire city was envoloped with the worry for their beloved princess...

A: Nakul! Nakul! Where is she? Where is my wife???

Arjun asked and ran towards his room....

A: Vaid ji what has happened to her...

He asked seeing his wife lying unconcious on her bed.

Vaid: Kumar Yuvrani was gravely injured during the war...we started the treatment as soon as possible...but it seems her body is not reacting to any medication...her internal injuries are too grave which are not reacting towards our methods..Now its in the god's hands..

A: Shut up !!! You are our Rajvaidya...its your responsibilty to treat our injured...I want my wife in her good health as soon as anyone, import any required medicines from any part of the world...but make sure nothing happens to her...Otherwise you would be in dire condition...Arjun roared.

Y: Enough Arjun...its not right to talk with vaidji in this manner...Vaidji forgive us...but do your best in treating our sister.

Vaid: I understand Maharaj even I consider Yuvrani as my own daughter...I'll strive my level best in treating her...

A: Make sure you do that!!


Day later

Sahadev and Draupadi reach Indraprastha...

Sahadev assessed the atmosphere, everyone were in sombre mood...

S: Bhrata how is Subhadra?

Y: Nakul and Vaidji are treating her...still her condition is in critical state...she was also Pregnant...

S: What??? Did anyone knew about it?

B: No...She was in early stage...even she was unaware!

D: How is Arya Arjun??....Where is he?

Y: In there Chamber...never left her side since yesterday... come lets go and see if there are any updates..

Everyone goes to check on her...

Y: Vaidji any improvement??

To which Vaidji gives negative response...Arjun stares blankly at Subhadra's face..tears continously flows from his eyes...

D: Arya Arjun?? Arya ??

Draupadi goes near Arjun to check on him but Arjun is in his own world, in grief, in dread...

B: That Jayadrath will pay for this....Bhrata give me orders I'll go and kill that Bastard with my bare hands....

Krishna: There would be dire consequence for that action Bhrata...we should wait till my sister wakes..

Krishna along with Balram comes to meet their beloved sister...

Y: Pranipat Vasudev..Mahamahim Balram...

Krishna and Balram goes and sit near Subhadra on either sides of her bed..

Balram : Our Sister is Brave...She can't be defeated with the mere attack...

Balram says stroking her hair

Krishna: Nah! there is no end of Maya...he Chuckles...

Everyone gets Shocked seeing their relaxed behaviour...But not more than Arjun!

A: Madhav! How are  you so relaxed, carefree even!  don't you care about her??..Mahadev knows how am I controlling myself for the sake of her...if it were in my hands ...I would personally kill that man and have his head on stake!

Arjun lashes out!

K: Calm down Parth...Go! have some rest...even you all go and have rest....we brothers will spend some time with her for now....and don't argue....


Arjun reluctantly leaves the room and goes to their common of the family also follows him...

Nakul tries to talk to him...but he ignores him...

Draupadi along with rest of his family feels his behaviour absurd...but decides to keep quite...

Draupadi tries to serve him some dinner but Arjun refuses..

The whole atmosphere gets Quite tense...the whole night passess in the sombre tense mood..

As soon as surya dev arrives with his light...Arjun hurriedly departs to his chamber to check on his wife...

A: How is she..

K: Well Good Morning Parth! Raaj Vaidya will be arriving Shortly to tell us of her improvement..

B: Don't Worry Arjun...Nothing would happen to my Sister..have faith!

Rajvaidya arrives and checks on Subhadra...and gets Suprised.....How can this happen...its a miracle!! He murmers

A: Vaidyaji speak clearly!!

Vaidya: Yuvraj! Yuvrani has shown great improvement...she is out of danger...her internal bleeding has stopped...nothing but good care can heal her in no time!

Arjun turns escatic and gives his jewels to the Vaid..and asks him to leave!

K: Take care of her...we will leave you both alone

Krishna and Balram gives them some private time and leave...

Arjun sits near Subhadra and keeps his head on her no time he succumbs to his exhaustion and that all his worries are over, dread has left, he is finally at the arms of his love...his life.


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