Chapter 10

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He is kissing me with raw passion...which I unkowingly started reciprocating... I can't deny him any longer...nor can I deny myself of these new feelings, he has sowed his seed of love in my heart which has now taken the form sapling. Yes I am falling in love for him..I am falling hard....

"We need to stop" I said to him pushing him slightly.

"I can't, can't leave you now" he said in betwen kissing me.....

"You have to...Draupadi didi must be waiting for you" I said untangling myself from his arms..

"She would understand..." he started saying.

"I can't be with you... when you are with her....."I said

"You are my wife too... you have equal rights on me.....  after everything you are starting to like me... I want to spend this moment with you." He kissed me again.

"But She is your first wife...and you promised her that this would be her year....I don't want to come between you two....and besides after this would be all mine." I explained

"I will respect your wishes....but I will spend this night with you....I promise I'll Keep My vow...but please don't deny me this " He said with finality.

"and I loved the sound of, I would be yours....but let me remind you that I am always yours!" He whispered in my ears and lovingly kissed my neck.

"Ok...." I agreed and he again started his conversation with my lips.


"Vijay, What do you like about me?" She asked, together we were sitting on a swing with her keeping her head on my lap.

"I don't like anything about you" I teased seeing her frown and kissed her forehead....she is too adorable to resist.

"If that is true...then tomorrow itself I'll leave for dwarka" she said faking anger.

"What I meant was...I love everthing about you...and you are never going to dwarka again.....I'll never let you go, you are trapped with me now for Eternity" I promised and she laughed happily...Now that was my favourite sound...

Next Morning

"Hail Yuvraj Arjun!, Forgive me for the Disturbance" My sevak woke me up.

Yesterday night was Magical, the time we spent together was certainly precious. Our new moments of bliss kept us awake till early morning.

"What's the matter sevak?" I asked him groggily and cued him to talk softly as subhadra was still sleeping.

"Maharaj and Maharani are asking for you and yuvrani in the Court room for annual Meeting."

"Ok.. tell them we would join them shortly"
I instructed him and went to get ready for the day.

After few minutes.

I got ready but subhadra was still sleeping...She was looking too peacefull so I allowed her to sleep...I gently kissed her forehead and went to the courtroom but not before instructing her maid to take care of her as she would wakeup any moment now.




"Arjun why so late today?, Did'nt you know today our meeting was scheduled, and where is Subhadra?" Arya Yudishtir bombarded him with Questions as soon as he entered the court. I was also waiting to hear his answer...yesterday I kept waiting for him ... but He never showed up..... but then my maid informed me that he is with Subhadra...I was rightfully upset!

"Let it be Bhrata!!!  Bhrata Arjun is newly married... he must have been spending some quality time with our sister!" Nakul teased him, And Arya Arjun Blushed ... that was a new sight to I always knew him to be somewhat flamboyant.

"Nakul!!!!" He exclaimed and pinched his ear.

"Hey leave me bhratashree!!!... I was taking your side only!" Arya Nakul Shouted and Laughed.

"Enough you two" Arya Yudishtir asked them to stop.

"Forgive me Bhrata!" Arya Arjun apologised but never gave us the explanation of his tardiness

"Ok....I'll let it go for my sister...Lets continue now... where were me Mahamantri?" Arya Yudishtir asked.

"Maharaj we were Discussing about recruiting new men for army sector.... " Mahamantri said.

"Still It's very less number of candidates... If we are planning to conduct Rajsuya yagya... then our Military sector should be strong! With such few no of men we cannot go ahead !"  Arya Yudishtir said worriedly.

"May I say something... Pranipat Bhratashree and Maharani?" We all turned to see Subhadra Entering and I saw Arya Arjun's Face lightup.

Yudishtir :Pranipat Sister! You are welcome to share your Views

Subhadra: Mahamantri May I ask are all your posts is military are designated for men only?

Mahamantri: Yes Yuvrani...All our current positions are alotted for men

Subhadra: Maharaj we need to change our Military tactics...women can be as useful as men in the battle field. They can be recruited as Medical aids, or in the Manufacturing of weaponry, even as spies and also can be taught to fight.

Mahamantri: This can be difficult to do Yuvrani.....Our Praja is not so  openwided...Maharaj this can be difficult ..but if it happens as yuvrani says... then our issue can be solved....

Yudishtir: Yes It is a good suggestion....But it will take time.

Draupadi: But who will teach are busy in administration, Arya Nakul and Sahadev are busy in architectural work, Arya Arjun have just returned.... and Arya Bheem is already busy in Military adminitration....

Subhadra: I can teach women in Military...

Draupadi: You...??? But you are our new bride ...we can't give you such responsibility... Arya Arjun won't Allow it.

Arjun: On the contrary Panchali...I fully support Subhadra even I am ready to assist Bhrata Bheem and Her...

Yudishtir: So its decided then... you Two are now responsible in training and development of our Military work.

With that the court was dismissed.

"So subhi why were you late today, I hope Bhrata Arjun is not troubling you can always come to this brother of yours to tell your worries." Arya Nakul which she blushed

"Bhrata Nakul leave me alone...and mind your own business..." She said with an air of authority... at which all laughed....Leaving me..

"Subhadra! This is not the way to talk with elders... I can't tolerate such disrespect of Arya Nakul!" I said in anger, instantly silence took the place of Laughter

"Panchali.. you are misunderstanding us...we are always like this..." Arya Nakul tried to calm me down.. but it had the opposite effect on me.

"Whatever it might be.... I won't allow such behaviour in my court.. be it family or anyone else." I continued in anger...

"Its Ok Bhrata Nakul.... Its my Mistake ...Please forgive me Maharani.... I won't repeat such follish behaviour..Please excuse me" She apologised with teary eyes  and left.

"What was that Panchali ??? We will talk about this later..Subhadra ! Subhadra ! Wait!! Arya Arjun shouted and went behind her..never I have seen such anger in his eyes while talking with me.


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