Chapter 5

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After the marriage ceremony we went to her Chamber as it was our first night togethet.

Her chamber was decorated beautifully, but my attention was fixated on her.

"Atlast we are together Priye!" I said

"Indeed" she smiled,  but her smile did not reach her eyes. It was as if She was suppressing some emotions.

"Its Nothing" she tried to assure me again. But I could read her face quite easity.

"Priye! you can tell me anything, please tell me what is bothering you" I asked.

"Why you married me Rajkumar? Why? Did my bhrata Forced you in some kind of plan? Tell me ? were you under some kind of obligation to marry me ? Tell me? I can't carry this burdern in my life!" She cried

Her words shocked me to my core...

"Priye what are you saying ? I had loved you from the moment I had seen you, All these years I have yearned for you and finally when we are together you are having such doubts? I know I had not said any of these things before, but my love for you is pure!" I explained

"How can I believe your words Rajkumar? when you say, you have loved me all these years, then why did marry multiple times? Why did'nt you asked for my hand in marriage before?" She Questioned.

"Because you were quite young at that time, and I was a mere prince out of the Gurukul. I had no accomplishments supporting me to ask your father for your hand! and I married those Women because it was written in my destiny, I respect and care for them and forever continue to do so for my entire life but the ultimate truth is that I have Loved only one woman in my entire life and that is you subhadra!  that is you!" I tried to make her understand.

"I was Prepared to marry Yuvraj Duryodhan...But There too you contested for me as a possession to be won..instead off asking for my feelings.." She told me.

"Feelings ? Do you Love him?" I Chocked,was I prepared to leave her to him, for her Happiness? NO NO this can't happen....I can't Let her go.. I am not that selfless person... I am the most possesive being for everything related to her.

"No I don't have any feelings for him...Nor do I feel anything related to love for you...But as your wife now, I would try to do my every duty towards you...But I require time...I Hope you understand Rajkumar." She answered.

"I am ready to wait for you till the eternity... you can put your trust in me" I placed her hand on my heart and looked in her eyes and promised myself to make her fall in love with me.

"I trust you Rajkumar... But I don't trust my Heart as it is quite Sensitive... I hope you will take care of it.." She searched my eyes.

"Priye.. I am your same Vijay from Hastinapur who used to be always in shadows behind you to protect you but now that you are mine I'll become your wall to shield you from every sorrow and pain and strive to be your neverending source of happiness." I gently wiped her tears..It was killing me see her like this.

"Can we be friends first Rajkumar" she asked shyly..

"Offource Darling!! But only at one condition" I told her seriously...

"What condition Rajkumar?" She asked Innocently

"Only if you call me Your Vijay" I proposed, As a teenager she used to address me as Vijay and Never as Arjun and when asked

"Subhi why you call Bhrata Arjun as Vijay?" Sahadev had once asked her

"Because He is Vijay for me.. always Victorious and Since he is my only friend here, I have the right to call him anything." She explained him cutely.

"Okay Vijay!" She chuckled..

"No Darling... I am not Vijay ! I am your Vijay!... and it is my first order as your husband to address me by my proper title." I ordered suppressing my laughter.

"Sure My Vijay!" She laughed bringing joy to my heart and soul... those two words from her lips brought emmense satisfaction to my Heart as I have waited for lifetime to hear those words... Truly I was Her Vijay! Hers only and she is now mine! Mine for Eternity.

So Guys What do you think of the Plot?
and what do you want to see in the next segment?
Please share you ideas...
I await your thoughts!😀

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