Chapter 11

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1 year Later


Life is funny thing...It knowingly or Unknowingly teaches us many things.

Past year was the most memorable time for me.
Draupadi and my relationship developed...she gave me Shrutakarma...My Son. His birth was special for me. During his birth Draupadi lost a lot of blood... She became unconcious Chances of his survival were very minimum...Rajvaidya had lost all hopes...we were dreading the that moment s
Subhadra came and prepared the medication and saved his Life or you can say gave him another life...

When Drupadi came to know about this...She embraced Subhadra with open was a new turn of their relationship. Shrutakarma joined us three together.But as they say every relationship is difficult and same was the case of them...Draupadi was still Hesistant in case of subhadra ...and subhadra too felt that she took great care to avoid any kind of conflicts.

My relationship with Subhadra again went back towards the beginning, it was platonic at its best. After that day at court everything had changed, and I understood her resoning...truly. But Staying away from her was a test in itself.



Dasi: Yuvrani carefull you would fall in the lake. Yuvraj would scold me if anything happens to you.

Subhadra: Don't worry so much sakhi... I can handle it... me and my bhrata's used to do this daily at Dwarka....You just see if any one seeing or coming here and alert me immediately.

Subhadra was climbing the tree nearby the lake to pluck the fruits..unknown to anyone someone was watching her and was mesmerised seeing her beauty.

Now she was trying to go on another branch and her leg slipped!...and she was going to fall

Aaaaa....... she shouted but her fall was saved by Dhrishtadyumna, The elder brother of  Draupadi.

Subhadra : Thankyou Rajkumar for saving me

Dhrishtadyumna : It was my pleasure Kumari... Who are you? I have never seen you here....

He eyed her lustfully...and went near her..seeing this she went two three steps back...she was feeling uncomfortable by his presence.

Subhadra: I am Still new here Rajkumar... I am....

Arjun : She is my wife.. Ekanth!!! He shouted.

All the dasis left immediately..Subhadra wanted to stay but after getting one look from Arjun she understood now was not the time to argue..and so she left.

He was going through the gardern when he heard her scream and ran towards the the time he reached Dhrishtadyumna had saved Subhadra, but seeing his demeanour towards his wife Arjun's blood boiled... rage filled his eyes.

Dhrishtadyumna: Wife!!! Hmmm she must be Subhadra then....the new wife...I must say she is Quite a beauty..seeing her anyone can forget his Vows..
I came here to repramind you Arjun for forgetting your duty towards my sister...but now I understand your condition
Arjun.. you are one lucky man, having her as wife...but be carefull beauty like her is susceptible to get stolen..any man can forget his dharma after seeing her....anyone can try to have her in his possession.

He said with evil glint...which did not go unnoticed by Arjun.

Arjun: Dhrishtadyumna! Be in your are Panchali's Brother that's the reason you are still standing...speak one more word about my wife..i'll forget our relationships.

Dhrishtadyumna: I was just saying What I saw...Such Beauty should be kept hidden! Not left out in the open. Who knows what might happen.

He laughed evilly...

Arjun: No one would dare to touch her...if they know what will be the consequence of it, and you better watch of what you are saying...if next time I hear you speak ill about my wife...Panchal would be in ruins along with you.

Arjun Roared and went from there.....


In Subhadra and Arjun's Chamber.

Arjun: What were you thinking....Climbing on the tree? What are you a Five years old?

Arjun was still feeling Anger, and after hearing Dhrishtadyumna's words his possesiveness came out in full force

Subhadra: What is wrong in said its my home too and I can go anywhere anytime...

She said defensively

Arjun: offource! Its your home! But all of your gestures, your smile, your childish antics are for my eyes only...I would not tolerate if you share it with any other men....I am a very possesive person Priye...I rarely share my things...and you are my most prized Blessing...I would first Die..

Subhadra swiftly stopped him from further saying any more..she closed his mouth with her hand.

Subhadra: Jelousy does'nt suit you kumar

Arjun: Call it whatever you want...but from this moment I don't want you anywhere near him...

Subhadra: I am free person..I can go anywhere...and Prince Dhrishtadyumna was Quite goodlooking and he saved me from the fall...

She teased...

Arjun: Enough!! you are my wife! The only name should ever fall from your lips should be mine! You are mine ! Mine only!

and he kissed her...This kiss was different...
Raw possessiveness was dripping from Arjun's gesture...after a long wait they were together again... Subhadra too was lost in his arms, the love that had built over the time has now reached its peak.. Subhadra was now ready to accept his love for her... Arjun has captured her heart...and now her heart was ready to surrender to its rightfull owner..

"Stopp...! I need to tell you something...." Subhadra tried to stop Arjun from kissing her..

" I have waited a long time for you priye...but today you can't stop me.... My patience are on the brink!...Arjun contiued to argue but was cut by

" I love you Arjun...My possesive prince! You fullfilled your Vow to made me fall in love with you...I am irrevocably in Love with you! , I love you my Aryaputra!" 


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