Chapter 21

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Days past after the festivities...

All is going is annual krida festival in indraprastha...

All the citizens and we as a family would be participating in it....

"Arya, Arya Arjun which colour saree should I wear!" Draupadi asked me...

"Any colour dear, I am sure you would look beautifull in it " I replied

"You are a spoil sport Arya never suggest me anything " she pouted.. at which I laughed..

Its true I never suggest her or anyone anything as I don't know what to suggest to woman about these things...


After Draupadi got ready we went to the veranda for the festival...

I tried to search for Subhadra but was having no luck...

"Who are you Searching Bhrata ? " Sahadev Asked.

"Subhadra" I answered Distractedly, since that unfortunate war, mine and Subhadra's life changed drastically...I have become more and more posessive of her...if I don't see her or know about her whereabouts I become anxious, hyper....she is like the air for me, without her, I loose my mind, as if my soul leaves my body...

"Bhabhishree left early for her sword competetion" he answered

"Why did'nt she tell me...I would have joined her.... and you left her alone ? " I got fired up..

"Nakul went with her Bhrata....Bhabhi asked me to tell you this as you were with Panchali" Sahadev answered nervously..

Everyone knew about my mindset regarding her...they were still cautious around us.

I hurriedly went near the venue of sword fighting...

"Where is Yuvraj Arjun? He should see how Yuvrani Fights...we are lucky to have her at Indraprastha" one of citizen Quoted seeing her fight..

"Indeed... I am lucky" I said as I went near him..

"Pranam Yuvraj !"

But seeing subhadra fight is giving me mixed side was giving me joy and other anxiety....and anxiousness was taking over the joy....

"Stop it !" I announced intrupting the fight and going in the center...

Silence took place in the arena....

"Vijay! Why did you do this ?? I was winning " Subhadra whined removing her head gear allowing her long silky locks to tumble all in their glory.... and My hand unconciously went  to touch them....

"Vijay..." she slapped my hand away..bringing me back to reality..

"Enough of this fight... come let us go and join the family" I said.

"But..." she tried to argue but seeing my expressions consented...

She too was wellaware about my changed behaviour...

Together we joined others....

Nakul and Sahadev tried to cheer her up....but  seeing her expression I knew her mood was gone....

"Bhabhishree Come lets go to the jewellary vendor over there...he is renowned for his skill....Panchali come! you would also like his jewellary" Nakul tried to cheer her up.

"Yes Arya ..." Panchali readily agreed.

"Come Chitra." I Said and pulled her towards the shop. As she made no move to join the others.

"Pranipat Maharaj, Maharani,Prince Bheem, Prince Arjun, Princess Subhadra and Prince Sahadev and Prince Nakul...I am delighted to have you all in my shop" He greeted.

"Pranipat, Please show your Finest creation for our Maharani and Sister" Bhrata Yudishtir said..

"Offcourse Maharaj" he said showed many Ornaments to both..

Panchali was delighted...and explored many jewels...but my other wife was still miffed with me to select any kind of jewels.

"Subhadra, I know my behaviour has made you upset but don't show your anger on these poor jewels...see they are waiting for your appraisal... please select any jewel you like..."

"When you know this why are you acting like a possessed man..  what would people think of me and this kind of act does'nt suit you" she faught back

"You know I can't bear to see you in any kind of Battle field or struggle....I can't control myself..I was on verge of losing you...." I too faught back..

"But I was not in any kind of danger Vijay....they were our people our praja....and I am not a fragile princess who can't defend herself...I understand your torment...I truly do..but I need to be myself too and besides I am the wife of Maharathi Arjun....No one would dare to harm me...they would know it would be their death wish" at this I smiled knowing I would definately have a bloodbath if any one would dare to touch her hair..

"Ok...I understand please forgive me..."

"FINE! But on one condition" She finally smiled....her one of the mischievous smile.

"Sure" I said uncertainly knowing something would be up.

"You need to buy me jewellary of your choice..." She declared and laughed seeing my horror struck expression.

Truly this lady would be a death of me..

"Darling, yoh know I don't understand these things...I'll buy you that shop instead...."I pleaded

"No ! " she said and joined others with me trailing behind her...

Hey Mahadev ! Save me ! AND HELP ME!!!! I chanted..

"Pranipat princess what Can show you? Necklace, pendants, Anklets? " he asked

"No Don't show me, Show it to my husband...He is going to select some jewels for me" Subhadra chuckled.

"What! Arjun and Jewelary selection....He can't do it...He is one of the most disinterested person on earth " Bhrata Bheem laughed making me embarrased.

"Arya Arjun does'nt like or understand these things should not put him on spot like this..these warrior men does'nt understand these things" Draupadi tried to make her understand.

"My Vijay can do anything if he puts his heart into it....and he knows anything he chooses for me would be the most precious thing for me as he has chosen it for me....irrespective of its value and besides He is first my husband than the warrior" She loving said looking into my eyes...

And I was done for....I could do anything for those loving eyes, this loving smile...anything.

I slowly went through his collection....admiring each and every creation...and at last finally found the one which was perfect for her...

"I would like to have this...what will it cost?"

"Excellent Choice Yuvraj! Its perfect for the princess and I wish to give it to you for no cost whatsoever as I consider her my daughter..."

"No please except these" I Said and gave him few gold coins and went out to join others.

"So Bhrata what did you Purchase for Bhabhishree..." Nakul asked

"Subhadra I gift you this ring " I said placing my gift on her finger...

"Its one of my most cherished heirloom... my one of ancestor made it saying...the one would bear a true love in his heart will purchase this ring...its the ring of eternity!

"Its beautifull, I would cherish it, till my last breath" She said with moist eyes and lovingly carressed the ring.

"Not more than you...My love" I whispered

"Maharaj!  Maharaj ! You all need to come back to the palace Immediately...." Our minister came running.

"What is the matter Mantriji ? "

"Mahamantri Vidur has come to meet you"

"Kakashree Vidur ? "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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