Chapter 16

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After the reunion of trio they all went to the dinning hall to have a feast specially prepared by Bheem...

Varoius dishes were prepared in her honour...Special Panch Bhog was also prepared which everyone Loved...

K : Bhrata Bheem you have cooked a very delicious meal....But still my hunger is not satisfied...

Balram: Yeah mine too .....its like something is missing

Bheem: Thanks Vasudev, Bhrata Balram!!.. what else do you crave??? I can make that immediately

Draupadi: Its Ok Arya.... Sakha, Bhrata Balram have this sweet dish....which I specially prepared for you!! Surelly you would like it..

Both ate the sweetdish.

Krishna: It was delicious sakhi but instead of being sated...I am feeling more hungry..

Draupadi: Then have some more sakha

Krishna: No Sakhi..I am hungry for some other thing...

He said looking at Subhadra....which she understood...Urgently she stood up and made a dash to the kitchen.

A: Subhadra...where are you going ???  Where  she went...?

He asked Krishna confused by her behaviour.

Krishna: To bring our special dish....right Dau

Balram: Offcourse Kanha...Our ruchi would never let us sleep hungry!!!

Meanwhile Subhadra come carrying a huge pot of Makhan....and sat between her Brothers.

Krishna: Finally after a long wait....Open it Quickly Ruchi...

Balram: Patience Kanha!!!

Balram admonished him making everyone laugh!!

But Krishna was too impatient to wait so he snatched the pot from subhadra and opened it hastily... taking out makhan and feeding her and balram..who inturn feed him..

Krishna : After a long time I am fully sated.....a bite from your hand always gives me satisfaction. .......without you last year was like a Millenium..

Balram: Yeah !!! You are our Annapurna Maya....

S: Bhrata ! Bhaiya I love you very much...My life is incomplete without you!!!..I missed you and my Family very much!!!!

Seeing this everyone got emotional !!!

There was vast differnce in atmosphere of Dwarka and Dwarka followed very informal relationship with there citizens whereas Indraprastha was more formal in its protocol and rules.. since Panchal too followed the formal, Strict Behavorial rules...It was new outlook for them to view the dwarka Siblings..

N : Feed us too Subhu .... these brothers of yours are also waiting...

Sahadev and Bheem : Yeah !! Don't forget us !!!

Subhadra feeds each of her Brothers along with Arjun who insist from now on to feed him daily at which everyone laughs making her feel shy......seeing Draupadi sitting Quitely at oneside Subhadra goes and feeds her too....but she takes a  very small bite......little uncomfortable of the situation.Subhadra understands her and so she does not force her...

Sevak : Hail Maharaj...Rajmata Kunti Has sent this Gift for Rajkumari Subhadra...

Y: Give it to Rajkumari....Subhu go take the gift...

Subhadra goes and takes the gift....

Dear Daughter,

Today its your first Birthday here in Indraprastha...I hope it turns spectacular!!

You know I always wished for a Daughter.....Daughters are special in every family...They are Blessings for our good Karma...but alas my karma were not so good that I could'nt get one.....But when you married My Phalgun...My Arjun...You came in my house as my Daughter...My beloved Princess..

Whenever I imagined of having a always led me to you!! and you too embraced me in your Daughterly Love...and affection...

I am thankfull for bringing my old Arjun Back...the one who was carefree, Full of joy, without any burderns...your mere presence brings such joy in his life...All these years I have seen him as a warrior burderened by responsibilities but you give him peace, a solace which he lacked throughout his life for which I am indebted..

For your Birthday I give you my wedding holds a very special place in my heart as it was my first gift from My Arya...I know you would love it and take care of it as I have done all these years..

My blessings are always with you..May you get all the hapiness in the world..

Sadasuabhagyavati Bhava!!

Please visit me soon at Hastinapur...your this Mata awaits your presence...

Rajmata Kunti.

Subhadra wipes her tears which had gathered while reading this letter...Arjun comes and hugs her soothingly...and makes her wear the jewellary...

A: Do you like it?

S: Yes very much you have given me so much love today truly I am blessed... and Mother's love is always special...I love it!!...Thank you everyone!!!!


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