🦋-"Mr Taxi driver "

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Becoming:Chapter 3

When i got home , the first thing i did was to take a hot ,steaming , bubble bath lord knows i need it ,dealing with people who want coffee everyday allday and a crazy stalkerish taxi driver can drive anyone nuts honestly, after the bath i wore my Onsie and took some snacks and went to watch tv , hmm now what to watch , The wife? Gossip girl?After we collided? , i decided to just watch the After , i have from heard the girls from work talking about it , apparently its nice .
As i watching ,i couldn't help but to think that the taxi driver , i wonder what did he want , was he interested in me or...no no no Busisiwe lets go back to reality .
My phone rings, ah its my gogos .
"Hello gogos , i miss you old lady"
"Who are you calling an old lady ,i also miss you sisiwe but now you have turned into a child from jozi , you no more call me"-gogos
"Don't say that gogos , you know I'm always working, im sorry"
" you should call sisiwe even if you just send me a Sms saying you are okay ,i don't want you to turn out as your parents"-gogos
" okay old lady , i love you"
"Love you too young lady ,bye sisiwe" -gogos.
My gogos worries too much sometimes ,i guess my parents death traumatized her, my parents lived here in Johannesburg and they died on an accident on their way to go home to Nongoma ,  the person who hit their car  ran away ,my gogos was worried sick that day since she knew of their visit , only to get a call that her daughter and son in law have already passed on .
I finished watching the movie and turned off the tv also checked if all doors are locked, i guess Kgotatso is not coming back today mxm this girl uhlanyiswa yindoda ( a man is drving her crazy) .
"Some guy wants you to serve him"-Kgotatso
Argg , whats wrong with this guy honestly,his acting like a full blown stalker .
I walked up to him and sat at the chair opposite his.
"Okay mr ,what do you want from me"
He looked at me and smiled faintly ,what is he smiling at can't he see that i am angry and tired of him stalking me.
"I just wanted coffee"-Mr taxi driver
"Oh cut the crab , say what you want so you can stay the fuck away from me"
He looked at me for a while.
"I want to drive you home "-Mr taxi driver
He smiles.
"You said i must say what i want from you and i want to drive you home"-Mr taxi driver
"Thats all ,okay ,i let you drive me home and you stay the fuck away from me"
I turn to walk away.
"For a week"-Mr taxi driver
I turn to look at him ,he is now standing up , he is looking into my eyes with a smirk , i couldn't help but to look into his eyes too.
"I want to drive you home for a week "
He says and takes his nike cap that was on the table and walkes away .
What have i gotten myself into?
What if he is a serial killer and he wants to kill me and bury my body in his graden , no relax Busisiwe if this guy was a serial killer he probably would've killed me the day i was in his taxi right? ,right?.

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