🦋-"The threat"

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Chapter 53

I decided that we take Khanye to her grannies house for  a while well until i am sure that my marriage is not under threat.
I parked on the gate and took Khanye from the back with her bags.
"Sawubona Makoti" my mother inlaw says with a smile on her face.
Is she happy to see me or is she just being the usual fake her.
"Sawubona ma "
I say respectfully .
"I placed her bottle in the first zip in her bag"
"Okay sesi..are you leaving already , i thought you could stay for some tea"
This woman should stop confusing me and pick a side , its either she likes me or she doesn't angeke phela.
I agreed to stay for coffee thats only because she birthed my handsome husband and i respect her and I'm  thankful for that.
She placed two cups of tea on the table and sat right next to me. I picked the cup of tea up and pretend to drink it.
"Hawu makoti you can drink it im not going to poison you"
You can never be too sure with this old lady.
"No ma , i don't like tea but thank you"
She smiles , why is this woman so happy today this is actually scarying me.
"How is my son"
She asks sipping on her tea.
"He's okay"
"How are you"
"Im okay , thanks"
She puts her cup of tea on the table.
"Im glad , how far are they with finding the devil who shot my son"
"I don't know , ask him"
"Busisiwe my baby ,im really sorry .. i know i really treated you like trash when my son was in a  coma..but you have to understand as a mother you'd obviously be scared when you heard something like that happened to Khanye right"
"Yea , sure i wouldn't anything bad to happen to my baby"
She smiles and takes her cup from the table and take sip of it.
"But atleast you had Saint "
"yea he was a good support system " and now that good support system is making my life a living hell
"Did he ever try something with you"
"What do you mean try something with me"
"I mean like try to have sex with you or touch you without your consent"
"No , why would you think he would do that"
" you did not hear it from me neh"
She says and puts her cup back on the table.
"Saints once had a wife"
a wife?
"Yebo and apprently he was so jealous and possessive over her "
"and whats wrong with that i mean shes his..."
"No you don't understand i mean , he killed every man that  tried to get close to his wife"
"He what?"
"Im telling you, poor thing couldn't even leave the house without her husband"
"yoh thats insane , so where is she now"
"Saint killed her , the wife wanted a divorce but keh Saint didnt want none of that"
Oh no .
"Its wild shame til this day Lerato , The wife's mother still cries about the way her daughter died"
"Uhmm ma ...thank you for the tea and I'll call later to check on Khanye i need to go"
I stand up and rush out before this old lady can say anything
I can't believe Saint killed his wife just because she wanted to divorce him , this just shows that man is mentally unstable , i mean why would you kill someone just because they don't want you anymore.If Saint killed his own wife then what is he going to do to me.
I needed to talk to someone about this and who better than my best friend .
I knock on her door repeatedly until  she opened the door.
"Aibo wena this is not your house, you can't be knocking like that"
"I need to talk"
She looks back and i see her boyfriend sitting on the couch with a remote in his hands , i didn't even realise that he was here.
"I'll go , hi Busi"
I smile at him .
Kgotatso goes to check if he is really gone and comes back  .
"And then wena ,keng jwale"
"My marriage is over Kgotatso"
"What.. what do you mean"
I start telling her about what happened at breakfast with Saint and Stembiso and  what my mother in law just told me.
"He what his wife"
"Killed her Kgotatso... This just shows that he can't take rejection ..he might kill me too"
"No don't say that.. how about you tell Stembiso the truth" i look at her waiting for her to say she's joking and come up with a better solution but nex.
"Are you crazy do you want me to be a divorcee at my age , ha.aa wena"
"What are you going to do then .. cause this Saint guy sounds scary"
I go quiet thinking of a possible solution.
"Maybe i could.."
"Could what"
"Kill him"
"What ! No , wahlanya(are you crazy)"
"Then what must i do keh Kgotatso, wait for Saint to ruin my marriage and probably kill me "
"No mara killing him ,i thought  Zandile was the first and last"
"This is my marriage Kgotatso and i will do anything and everything for my marriage if i have to kill Saint i will do it"
"Weh aike nna aketsebe( i don't know)"
From Kgotatso's house i went straight to my house and found my sexy husband watching soccer.
"Hey baby" i said kissing him on the cheek
"Sawubona Standwa sam ukahle(are you okay)"
"Im okay baby , belunjani usuku lwakho (how was your day)"
"Ai good nothing much just searching for the person who had the guts to shoot me"
"Hawu you still haven't found him"
"No , Saint is still searching but we have a few suspects though and when i find them they will  regret even having the thought of shooting me with my child at home"
I wonder who really had the guts to shoot Stembiso Zungu because knowing my husband he is defenently not going to let this go , and i might just use this search for the shooter to my advantage.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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