🦋-"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons"

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Chapter 14:Becoming

"Ha.aa Stembiso you should just stop with your lies theres no way that happened"
"Haibo I'm telling you mama , i killed that cow all by myself"
So Stembiso , the taxi driver,  the one that was stalking me and practically forced me to go with him after work everyday , yep well his now my boyfriend .It was a very cold day when a Zulu man texted a Zulu girl asking for a meetup and after having sex the Zulu man asked the Zulu girl to be his girlfriend and ofcause the Zulu girl couldn't resist the Zulu man charms.We have been getting to know each and so far i know that he is Stembiso Zungu , with 3 siblings , 2 boys being uButhi Shaka and Khanya who is gay btw and one older sister being the pretty short lady who owns the Shisanyama,yes her , Nomzamo .He is the  3rd born child of Khanyisile Zungu and Africa Zungu who passed away when he was 3.Khanyisile Zungu , the mom , is still very much alive btw .He not only a taxi driver but , wait for it , a taxi owner , him and his family own about 12 taxis ,how crazy is that.I asked him why is he still driving taxis when he could just relax and have people work for them and he went like "Aike mama , mina ngiyindoda ethanda ukuzisebenzela( i am a man who likes to work for him self).
Today i am officially meeting the family , well officially meeting uButhi Shaka and the mom since i have already met Khaya and Nomzamo.
I cooked for them , yes i cooked adviced by Kgotatso .While setting the table , I hear heels clicking and loud laughing , and damn this women looks like she comes straight from a magazine.
"Hey Busi , nice to meet you again"
Khaya says , with a smile on his face while sisNomzamo , looks shocked to see me here , she then excuses herself to make a phonecall .Why do i feel like Nomzamo doesn't like me , i mean she never gave me an attitude but i don't know man.There is just a weird vibe i get from her
Never in my wildest dreams did i think mina , Busisiwe Khumalo would be sitting in a table with myyyy Boyfriend and hiss Siblings waiting for hisss Mother to arrive so he can introduce me .Buthi Shaka is such a welcoming soul the minute he got here , he called me makoti and cracked up some jokes here and there and Khaya well his just being Khaya , according to Stembiso and Miss Older sister over here has not uttered one word to me since the "phone call".
"Ste , Ste ka mamakhe"
I hear a loud , strong , bold , confident voice calling out.
" in here" Stembiso shouts , that has to be the mother and all of the sudden it feels out in here, im so nervous and Buthi Shaka seemed to have Noticed this cause shoots me a warm smile and mouths "calm down".
"Oh here you are , guess what" The women looking absolutely different to what i have imagined shame , shes tall and has heels on but not the pencil ones , you know those heels our grannies wear only on Sundays going to church yebo those ones.she looks beautiful and i see the resemblance in Nomzamo .
"What" Stembiso says
"Suprise come out" she screams and a woman walks out the passage looking so excited immediately my boyfriend stands up and the woman throws herself at him and hugs him tight , all this with the mother grinning so hard you would swear shes a 5 year old being offered cake.Stembiso demands to talk with both women and they go out to god knows where.Im not dumb , i know that woman is not a relative .The table is now dead quite until the older sister decides to open her mouth and says , "yoh Sorry shame girl , we all didn't know mama was going to bring Stembiso's wife" she says and Khaya immediately chocks on the juice he has been sipping since this whole drama has began , Buthi Shaka looking at Nomzamo with his mouth open  and you know what the girl says next , she looks at her brothers and says "yini" not only stopping there but dishes up for herself and asks if anyone wants  some food.I stand up and go to Stembiso's room taking nothing but my phone and walking out the house , i will not sit there and look like a fool .Already i am a fool for being with a married man even thou i didn't know about it but im pretty sure if i had sat there and waited to Stembiso , his wife and his mother to come back i would look like twice the fool i already am.
I call a cab and go straight home.

Becoming Busisiwe Zungu Where stories live. Discover now