🦋-Your past might just be your future

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Chapter 18:Becoming

"Happy birthday to you bitch" Khaya says walking in my room like this is his mothers house.
"Ay wena why don't you knock"
"Wena why are you not dressed" he asks looking at me me up and down.
"What am i supposed to be dressed for again"
"One its your birthday ,two we going out for lunch , you can't go there looking like that" i laugh at the drama , im not looking that bad honestly i just have a black tight on and a white tshirt , his just dramatic.
" i don't really feel like going out today"
"Haibo wenja its your birthday , you can not not feel like going out today"
I sigh, i don't really like celebrating my birthday , on my birthday all i do is pray and chill maybe watch some movies if im not busy.My birthdays remind me so much of my parents , i miss them so much.
"Ai yebo ai yebo , ziwaphi" Kgotatso decided to budge in the room naye dancing.
"Haibo wena , you going to lunch like that" she says looking at me with a disgusted look on her face, why are these people acting like im naked or im wearing the ugliest dress in the world.
"Haike chom , your friend athi shes not in the mood"
Kgotatso gets on my bed and sit by my side.
" your parents?" i nod my head , fighting back tears , i just wish they didn't come to Johannesburg maybe they would be still alive.
"Look my love , i also miss my mom and everyday i wonder if there were ways i could've helped her fight against the cancer , but i couldn't have nana , i know you miss your parents and i might not know them but i know they wouldn't want they only daughter to look herself in the house every year feeling sorry for herself , they would want you to wear a sexy dress ,go to lunch and maybe even consider going clubbing" i chuckle wiping my tears from my cheek , this one thinks she will use this to promote her going clubbing idea , she thinks she's smart i see.
I give her a tight hug , im honestly nothing without this girl , she has seen my on my worst and best days , shes more than a friend she's actually my sister now and she's right my parents wouldn't want their princess crying because of them.
"Okay now that we done with the lovey dovey shit , are we leaving noma"
Khaya says standing by the door , we chuckle and stand up to go choose an outfit for me.
"Now thats what we call a birthday meal"i say , taking a gulp of my cranberry juice, we just finished having lunch and boy was the food de-li-cious yho ha.aa shame.
"Now all we need is to hit the club bese birthday night yakho is complete" Khaya says and Kgotatso nods in agreement , yazin neh let me just agree to so they leave me the fuck alone shame yaz.
"Okay guys , i agree but as long as...." Khaya screams and stands up from his seat to hug me ,haibo how dramatic can this guy be ,i wasn't even done yet.
"Awume Khaya , as long as we coming back at exactly 11pm ,you hear me" they nod with smiles on their faces , whuuu my friends like groove hle and i have a feeling we not coming back at 11pm.
People who love clubbing , actually scare me .akuse noisy nkos yam (its so noisy my god).well atleast my friends are enjoying it , Kgotatso is at the dance floor , showing them what she is made of and  Khaya is busy flirting up a storm with the bartender.  Me? Well im sitting my cute ass down and drinking my non-alcoholic beverages, well somebody has to be sane between Kgotatso who is quater to being drunk and Khaya who is probably getting free drinks from his bartender bae , i need to make sure we get home safe and sound.
"Whats a pretty lady like you doing sitting alone" i look up .
"Haibo buthi why can't pretty ladies sit alone konje"
"Hai im just saying if you were my girl i would never allow you sitting here alone "
"Well good thing im not your...."
"Jaylen" a women screams , jaylen must the brother next to me .
"Yewena what are you doing with my man" the angry coloured girl comes up at me trying by pass her boyfriend .
"No baby its not what you think" he says , making her think its she thinks ,do men think before trying to explain after found slacking mara, 'its not what you think' obvious now im going to think you trying to cover up and loose it like  girl over here ,she grabs a bottel of bev from one of the people dancing smashing it on the table and tries marching up to me , but her boyfriend stand in her way, Me? Poor old me is scared honey , so i take my bag and leave before the situation becomes worse and i find my self in a hospital bed .I have heard how coloured are not okay up there and i don't want to be an example  of that.
"Whats going on" Kgotatso asks when i pull her from the crowed.
"Some girl think something is going one between her boyfriend and i so she's just going crazy , lets leave"
"Haibo , why didn't  you call me , okae(where is she) so i can show her what crazy is" she stays taking off her heels .
"Phela lenna i can be crazy ,lets be crazy"
I laugh   and  think about how she won't even remember this tomorrow pull her by her hand and we get to Khaya .
" we need to leave" i say
"Cause we were suppose to leave at 11pm but now its 1 am , lets go lona come" i say pull him by his hand too.
We get outside and i try looking for Kgotatso's phone so i can call for uber meanwhile , Kgotatso and Khaya are busy having a conversation about the sexy guys they saw in the club , i honestly don't know what they drank and i don't think i want to know.
"Kgotatso where is your phone" i says and she responds with "i left it at home"
Amen , A-men . So how are we suppose to get home now ,i don't have the uber app and we left Khaya's car .
"Ahhh relax MaB i got connections , i will call someone relax"
He says taking out his phone  and dailing a contact named 'Omdala'.
Mind you guys we are outside the club ,its dark and scary ,this is why i didn't want to club nje , look now it was my birthday celebration but im sober and they drunk .
"My person is coming now now chilax" yho nkulunkulu wam(my god) may  this now now be soon.
After 30 minutes of terror , babysitting drunk grown ups , a grey Bmw stops right next to us .
A male figure gets out ,i swear if he thinks of kidnapping us he must know i can fight shame and ngizomu'shaya(i will beat him).
"Aww my brother , my person" Stembiso shouts throwing his drunk self on him while i was there frozen with my mouth wide open , So he is back?

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