Chapter- 22( Are you a stalker?)

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After our little chat at the Hospital. The cute grandpa-like doctor finally realized that we were far away from friends and close enemies. After this realization, he just wanted us to leave his office as soon as possible. Our fight was troubling him.

The good news is... it's just a twist! A bad one, but as long as I haven't broken any bone, I'm okay. He also questioned us about how it happened. I knew that question was coming, but I wasn't prepared. I started looking at my lap until Harshit stepped up and told the doc that I fell from the stairs.

Yea, I know what you all are thinking: wow, such gentlemen and all... well, no!

As soon as he told the doc, he started crackling like a maniac. He also asked the doc to check if my hand was alright. I swear I was so embarrassed while the doc was confused but didn't want to offend Harshit by asking a question. So he also fake chuckled nervously.

He inspected my hand and said I had a slight swelling, which triggered Harshit into more laughing. I swear, my guilt all vanished at that moment. I scowled at him while mentally planning how to kill him and make it look like an accident.

So presently,

I'm sitting in the passenger seat while Harshit is beside me in the driver's seat. My hand and ankle are covered with compression wrap, like bandages useful for healing swelling areas. My eyes are outside the window & my seat belt is already placed.

He started driving, filling the journey with an awkward silence between us. I recognized a familiar turn towards my house & I was just a few seconds away from my home. I was happy after seeing similar roads until it hit me...I never told Harshit where my house was!!

I looked at him in disbelief. His eyes were set on the road until he sensed my staring and looked in my direction.

He peeked while switching his gaze between the road ahead and my expression until he stopped the car," WHAT?!" he turned towards me with an irritated look while raising his one brow at me.

"How the hell did you know where I live??" I exclaimed while his expressions eased. He looked away and was about to say something until I cut him off," Don't you dare to tell me that I told you because I never did."

He closed his mouth and removed one hand from the steering wheel. He messaged his temples. He then looked at me," I just know...okay."

"How?" that was all I could come up with while looking at him angrily," Did you stalk me?"

"Wow, you really think highly of yourself-" he passed the comment while clapping,"- No, I don't have that much free time. I asked one of my friends who asked one of your friends."

It didn't take a genius to tell me which friend he asked or which one of my friends told him. It was Dee and Aryan because Mani would never tell him.

I nodded at his response unable to say anything until he continued," Just don't confront your friend with this. She told me not to tell you, okay?" he looked at me while raising his brow

"OK" I answered him while grabbing my bag from behind. I unlocked the door until Harshit interrupted," what are you doing? I said I'll drop you at your home."

My home is just around the corner. I don't want my parents to see me getting out of your car. I have a lot of explaining to do--" I said while waving my bandaged hand,"--and I don't want to add more to that list" I finished while all he did was nod.

I got out of the car and balanced myself with one leg. Due to painkillers, I won't feel the pain of the injured ankle. Which makes it easier to walk. I closed the car door and gave tiny smile to Harshit," Thank you for everything today." He just nodded and started the engine.

I knew if I wanted to apologize, I should do it now. We won't be alone anymore, this is my chance," And Harshit-" he turned towards my voice. I looked down at my shoes, avoiding eye contact," I- I'm- Sorry. I shouldn't have hit you under any circumstances."

I finally looked up to see him smiling, not the evil one, not the smirk but a genuine smile! His dimples!

He chuckled a little, "I thought I deserved that to some extend,"

"Yea, actually you did," I chuckled and tightened my grip on my bag," Still, I'm sorry...just stop annoying me, it's irritating."

"Can't help it," He snickered while rubbing back at his neck, "I see you & all I can think about is ways to annoy you. Your reactions are just soo god damn funny!"

"Really?!" I questioned him," You annoy the shit out of me just to get some kick from my reactions?"

"One of the many reasons,"

"Tell me other reasons then,"

"Nope, some other time," he said while shaking his head.

He shoved his hand in his pocket and took out my phone, "I thought I would mess with you by not giving your phone to you-" he waved my phone in front of my eyes," - I'll find another way to mess with you," with that, he gave me my phone back.

I felt like a 5 old year child who just got her teddy bear back. I grinned from ear to ear and waved Harshit Goodbye.

I started walking forward while switching on my phone, only to find 2 missed calls from Himnish, 3 missed calls from Angel, one call from Mani, and a few text messages.

Wow, Aren't I popular?

I reached the building's main gate and looked back only to find Harshit's car still at the spot. I guess he just wanted to be sure, I won't fall on my way. I smiled at the car unable to see what was happening inside & walked through the building's entry.

I would take stairs, but duh!

I'm wounded, so I took the elevator. The elevator opened on my floor & I stepped out. I reached my house gates, but before pushing them. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the Interrogation.

I pushed the door open and walked inside the living room," Mummy, Papa! I'm home!" I announced while placing my bag on the dining table. I was going to walk inside until I heard a voice from behind. The one I haven't heard in quite some time, "What about your brother, lil' sis?"

"Bhai!!!!" I exclaimed with happiness and wrapped my big brother into a hug, "God, bro! I missed you."

"Uhh! Don't get cheesy," He said while trying to get off my wrap, "Ugghh Germs...Wait, What happened??"

"Oh no," I opened my eyes in shock and moved away from Bhai. I had prepared myself for my parent's level of Interrogation, definitely not my big brother's.

"Aisha, What did you do??" he questioned me with a low yet dominating voice. I looked at him while chuckling nervously & he had crossed his hands around his chest while giving me glares.

Oh, I guess someone is in trouble...






Hello, my beautiful Reader!

Here's another chapter you might enjoy!!

I gotta show the interrogation between Aisha's big brother and her. It'll be fun, hehee ;)

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