Chapter- 26(Story time!)

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Death is a peaceful sleep. An everlasting nap. All dreams, no reality. Unfortunately, when you are fantasizing about Death. Just to escape your reality. That surely means your reality is worse than Death itself. I don't know about you, but currently, mine is the worst.

Sometimes I wonder, why can't I lie properly like my Big brother? One talent, only one talent I asked my brother & he can't even teach me that! I think it's not about lying anymore. It's about how to hide the truth from My father. Sometimes I really think he has a third eye or something. How he always catches my lies? There's no scientific explanation for this unless.....does he knows magic.

"Aisha, I'm speaking to you" my dad's voice broke my current train of thoughts, but it couldn't break away the panic attack I was having! What I'm supposed to say, I can't lie again. He'll catch easily.

Oh, I know what to do!

"Why would you think I'll ever Hit someone, papa?" I asked him in a low voice while giving him questionable looks.

This trick belongs to my big brother taught me. Well, in reality, we used to play this stupid game. It was we'll pick a situation and throw weird questions at each other so that we can avoid Answering the questions. The one who can't form another question or ends up answering the question lose.

If you can't answer or don't want to, throw a counter-question!

"Because it's not the first time you have hit another person." my dad answered my question with a calming voice. But hey, guess who can't calm her nerves anymore?!


"WHAT?!" I questioned him in high pitched voice with widened eyes and a shocked look. I bent forward to look at his face correctly. Does he know about the years-old school fight, I had with my ex-best friend? Who told him then? Could it be Mom? But she promised not to inform another soul. Can it be my Bhai? But he looked so proud to tell Papa about my achievement in these kinds of things...

"I suppose it's a storytime then." my dad declared and finally met my gaze while putting the newspaper down,

" When you were in first class. I got a call from your principal. She informed me how my not-so-sweet or innocent daughter made a boy cry. I ran out of my office and got to your school. I was dizzy. I was so involved in my ways of thinking about how to defend you. It must be a misunderstanding because you can't even hit a Bee let alone a boy.

" When I reached the main office building, you know what I saw?" he asked me with a curious face while I dumbfoundedly shook my head.

He nodded and then answered his own question," I saw my daughter standing there with two boys of her age and along with your brother. You were staring at the floor while your big Brother, listening to a hand full from your teacher. One boy was sitting on the floor while holding his left cheek. It looked like he just stopped crying while the other boy was padding the crying boy's back while mumbling something.

When I tried to approach you, your face looked regretful & you were holding on to your left hand. As I reached closure to you, I heard what the boy was saying. He said he'll tell you how cruel you are and will snatch your friends and all that a 5 years old-Angry boy will say.

The boy sitting on the floor was trying to calm his friend down, to let it go. While your guilty expression was changing & your left hand closed into a fist.

I think you were trying to control it, but the boys weren't making it easy. The boy and the boy's friend were continuously arguing & then the boy's friend said something.

I didn't hear because it happened so fast. That's when you snapped and went to punch the boy's friend, but at that moment, the crying boy got up from the floor and took your punch on his face.

Tangled Connection |♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora