Chapter- 45 (Why you ran away?)

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Embracing Harshit's tall and muscular figure surprisingly felt like hugging a Bear, apart from his hard rock abs pressed on my stomach. I concealed that spark with some effort, but the next wave was so high!

 My sweater rolled up & Harshit's hands were now on my bare lower back. Checking the water, his hand was dangerously hanging on my ass. Drawing figures while my breathing got heavy.

My eyes opened in shock, I tried to loosen my death grip on him, but he just pushed into me while shaking his head, " Not yet" his whisper didn't go unnoticed & a slight smile danced on my lips.

A few more seconds won't hurt, right?

I closed my eyes after tightening my grip. My head was on his shoulder while my face was facing the door. Harshit's head was in my hair between my neck. He nudged his nose in my hair while my tip toes curled inside my socks.

Good lord! Stop by evil thoughts!

Before any of us could pull away, the lock unclicked & the door wide opened. Once again, All the five figures stared at us, but to my surprise, it was now, that Sam and Dee were passing the sly smirks. Mani's eyes were wide open, while Aryan's annoyed glance didn't go unnoticed. Esha was standing on her tiptoes behind Aryan, probably for safety purposes.

Shouldn't she be standing behind Mani then?

Esha's stare met mine &within a few seconds, my eyes widened," Oh god" I murmured while trying to give them a tight smile. I started slapping Harshit's back and pulling back, but his grip didn't lose, he growled for the warning but hey! I might die because of embarrassment before you even get a chance to yell at me!

"I KNEW THEY WERE MAKING OUT!" Sam announced to Dee with a mischievous smirk. Harshit's head shot up & glared at Sam's side profile. After not receiving even a tiny appreciation, Sam's smile faded," Bunch of Party poopers..." he murmured while looking down.

Harshit let go of me while pulling my flushed figure behind me," Get. out" he shouted at everyone making them stumble out of the room," Esha" he called her out and she stopped dead in her tracks," Come inside." he commanded her while I was trying to look from his shoulders.

Her gaze locked with me, she gulped while I took hold of Harshit's jacket. If he tries to run towards her, I'll just pull him back.

Then you must tie his jacket to a truck or something...

I ignored my inner voice while looking at Esha's frightened figure taking slow steps into the room. Her blond hair was tied in a high pony & she had a baby pink high neck with white tight pants.

"Sit" he instructed Esha while gesturing his hand on the bed. She gave a weak nod and sat on the edge of the bed which was nearest to the door. Smart girl

She stared at me while I stared at Harshit's side profile. I shouldn't be here, they need some time alone. I cleared my throat," Guess I should be leaving too" I pointed my thumb towards the door while giving them a nervous smile. I wasn't able to take a step further until His head turned 90 degrees," NO" he commanded while my smile faded but something fluttered in my stomach.

"Aisha told me you ran away-" his glare turned to Esha while pointing an accusing finger at her," Why did you run away from the life, you chose so savvy" he taunted her, and I smacked his shoulder.

He ignored my hit and continued," Cat got your tongue Esha?" he questioned her alerted state. Her composure was stiff but she still reflected confidence like it was in her veins," I didn't know my dear friend was keeping you updated about my whereabouts" She gave me a fake smile while her eyes narrowed at me.

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