Chapter-23( Work of Devil)

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Here I was standing, staring at my chocolate boy-type big brother. Whose giving me glares, not just any glares but the deadliest scariest big brother kinda glares. I'm shivering but can't let that show na, so I start chuckling. Nervously," This-" I waved my hand in the air,"-I slipped from the stair."

Hope he buys it. Please, god, let my brother be dense for a second. Like me.

"I'm not buying it. Tell me the truth."

Damn it!

"I'm telling you the truth, Bhai"

"The real truth, not the kinda truth you want me to say in front of papa and Mumma"

God, why does everyone in my family needs to be this suspicious?


"I expect the real truth if you are opening your mouth," he cut me off while raising his hand to stop me," before you speak another word"

Should I tell him?

I nervously start rubbing my neck while looking at my shoes. I know I won't be able to get out of here anytime soon. I've to tell Bhai eventually. Only if, I have prepared myself for his kinda interrogation. I could've doughed the bulled. But the bullet is in my heart and piercing through and through. If I want to see the next day, I gotta tell him.

"Aisha, papa, and mamma will be back any minute," he disturbed my thoughts while walking into the kitchen. He came out with a glass of water and gave it to me," Freshen up in your room. We'll talk later."

I looked at him dumbfoundedly. Did he just let me go that easily?

"Don't look at me like that, Sis" he answered my non-vocal question.

" I'm not letting this one slide. You can't expect me to let it go when I see my Lil sis coming home all injured," he finished while gesturing to my injured ankle and then hand.


"Good," he spoke up" Now tell me what you want to eat?"

I looked up at him with a wide smile. Yes, big brother can be all overprotective & scary, but he's caring just like papa. heheehe

"Dark chocolate, please." I pleaded while giving him puppy eyes. He chuckled a little, then forced me to go inside my room and rest while he goes out.

He left the house & I locked the door. Perfect time to call back Himnish. Without a second thought, I ran into my room and dialed Himnish's number. After a ring, he picked up

Himnish- Hello

Me- Heyy

Himnish- Aisha? Are you okay?

Should I tell me or not? It's not like he's my boyfriend, but...Do I owe an explanation to him?

Me- Ya, I'm okay. Been a long day that's all.

Himnish- Oh. Okay...

Me- Actually--

and Then I told him everything. I needed to let it out, but I didn't go into details. I just told him I slapped a boy from coaching and then went to the hospital for a twisted ankle and swollen hand. I skipped the other detail, like how I jumped on a boy in public or created a scene.

Himnish- Oh.... but why are you telling me this?

Ouch.. that hurts...

Me- I just thought... you needed to know since I wasn't reachable...

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