Chapter- 40( I'm breaking..)

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 I just called to ask you for a time apart. I meant not breaking our friendship or anything...just a little distance so that we both can focus on our lives..So... hmm.. can you give space to your favourite person for some time being..?


 I don't want to be rude... I don't want to hurt you...

Please stop

 I was hoping you would understand. I know it sounds stupid...But it isn't. Just think about it okay

Stop...stop it...stop, please. Himnish at least give me a reason. a valid reason...It doesn't make sense... 

Stop being ridiculous Aisha. He never liked you in the first place. what's so tough to understand? 

That's not true... He's not like this

Isn't he tho? He walked away even before he saw the worst of you, that's how fucked up we are

I'm not messed up! He said he liked me okay! 

Probably because he was bored.. then we aren't even timepass material for him

He sounded genuine.

That's how all they sound, however, they break you before even being yours

He didn't...we-we just--we just need to sort out okay

Aisha, I'm you!\. If you guys were really that close why don't know about your recent anger outbursts of yours? And why the hell he doesn't know your answer till now? 

I--I did- I don't want to--scare him 

Well, good for us. He won't be there, for us to scare

It's not good... Why--Why? 

Will knowing the answer behind your Why? suddenly cure the pain you are going through?? 

I might

Such a drama queen as he said

There's nothing wrong with being one! 

Is that so? then why he left? 

He didn't exactly leave... he just wants space...

Space from what?! You guys were more than friends and he friendzoned you...again! He acted like you are the one for him then why suddenly he wanted space? And trust me Aisha when I say this, you are NOT CLINGY 

I don't know... maybe I am...

You are going to doubt yourself because of him?!  Could you be any more pathetic?! 

I'm not... I just want this pain to stop... Make it stop...

I can't...

It's like I'm breaking... why can't I breathe freely...he was supposed to be my comfort zone... 

Aisha, You are meant to outgrow your comfort zone...

Why... It hurts--so much! 

It's the next stage

I don't want to go into the next stage!

You don't have an option here, Aisha. 


Just embrace this... it'll be worth it.

I don't know... How I'm supposed to embrace it..?

 don't run. Fight it. Fight this through. It'll be worth it

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