Chapter-29( Get in the car!)

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I stood up, ignoring all the gasps around me or the crowd gathered after my public humiliation. I saw red.

All my anger management, meditation, especially the story time with dad was a lot cause now. I didn't care if my rage made me destructive or if I did unspeakable things since childhood when I was mad.

Those who hurt me will face my wrath & this golden bitch whose currently screaming at me is going down!

Neither it'll be a slap against slap, nor It'll is a screaming match. I'll do what my instinct tells me to do. Smelling her mint-flavored mouthwash from all the screaming she is doing. I couldn't see clearly and couldn't feel the pain of my busted lip or my injured elbow. I couldn't care less about it. All I see is red.

Maybe that's what I saw when I hit that teacher with my backpack, or maybe, that's what I saw when Harshit ate my food.

My left-hand reaches my back pocket & I felt the cold metal against my fingers. Relaxing yet dangerous

I slid my index finger on the sharp pocket knife at my pocket, poking my index finger until I could feel the cold metal mixing with my blood. I took it out from my back pocket and stepped towards her. She's still yelling something at me, throwing her hands, pointing her index finger at my face.

I felt her finger touch my forehead that's how close I was. She was talking steps backward. I keep moving forward, grabbing my knife. I was just in front of her, almost giving her no space to escape. I saw discomfort in her eyes, but she hid it quite well. Not for long

She crossed her arms around her chest and smirked at me, "I'm not into girls & even if I was, I don't date spineless cowards. So back off before I give your other elbow the matching design like the other."

I didn't scream, neither I hit her as I should have. I didn't know what possessed me. I opened my mouth and replied in a cold voice that I didn't even know belonged to me," Don't worry Honeybun. I'll draw the exact design you gave to me....but not on your elbow-" I moved closer to her & my grip on my pocket knife tightened," -but on your face." I whispered the last part into her ears. I bought my knife near her face.

I saw panic in her eyes, I heard loud gasps around me, but I still saw red. I pointed my knife under her chin and lifted it up to let her meet my eyes," Not confident enough, are we now?" I pouted like a like maniac who plays with her prey.

Her discomfort was clearly visible & her eyes started watering. A tear escaped from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. Her tear dropped at my knife & I met her eyes again.

Her cat eyes, who probably thought I was a psychopath. I stared at her until I was broken away by the familiar husky voice," Aisha"

I gained my conscious again & I saw her sob as she mumbled," Harshit Bhai"

My eyes grew wider & I saw what I was doing. I felt the pain of my busted lips again. I felt the hot blood from my elbow dripping down on the floor & I didn't see red anymore.

I quickly dropped my knife and jolted back from her. Her posture was de-stress as she fell to the ground, sobbing. Her friend and Sam quickly ran to help her while my friends saw me with broadened eyes.

Dee was wailing while Manu was shocked to see my state. I looked at them, but they didn't move toward me. Aryan came to Dee's side and pulled her towards him. She clenched onto his shirt while burying her head into his chest.

He kept saying something in her ear while hugging her tightly.

On the other hand, I kept going backward until I felt I hit someone. I tore my eyes away from them and turned on my heels. I looked at the chest I bumped into and looked up to see his jaw clenched & his eyes narrowed down at me.

I looked at him, but in utter shock, I shook my head furiously & moved away from him, "I'm so--- sorry, I didn't know--- I don't know-- how--what got over me--" I kept shaking while mumbling sorry to him. I shouldn't have hurt his sister. What the hell I was thinking...

"Aisha," I heard him say my name and looked into his dark eyes. He saw my state & his composure softened. Soon his eyes filled with concern," Are you okay?" he whispered while reaching to hold me steady.

I quickly pulled away before letting his large hands hold me," I want to go home." I whispered while looking at the ground. I don't want to see pity in his eyes.

I want this day to end soon. I don't dare to turn around and look at how my friends saw me. They looked at me like I was some evil monster. It hurts because they didn't reach for me or they tried to do anything while I was pointing my knife at that girl's throat. But more importantly, I was disappointed in myself. How can I do this kind of thing to someone? What got into me?

" I'll drop you home" Harshit's voice broke me out of overthinking. I looked at him in disbelief. I hurt his sister & he offers me a ride home...? I can't do this to him...

"No, I'll walk," I said to him while turning on my heels to cross the road. Keeping my eyes glued to the moving cars to quickly cross the road and get far away from here. I was about to take a step when a black jeep stopped in front of me. The black window rolled down to reveal Harshit's figure in the driver's seat "Get in the car." he roared while messaging his temple and holding the staring wheel.

He wasn't even looking at me. That's how much he hated me, still, he was showing basic humanity. I shook my head again & then I recalled he was not looking," I can walk home. You should take care of your sister." I spoke to him trying to sound demanding, but his infamous glare turned to me & I froze in my spot.


I gulped down my own saliva and looked around to see if anyone who wouldn't be in their clear mind help me. I looked back to see Mani trying to comfort Dee's shocked state while the golden girl was nowhere to be seen. Aryan and Sam both were gone. The crowd had disappeared & the moon is shining so do the street lights. I took my defeat and got into the car. I sat on the passenger's seat.

He started the engine and started to drive. I felt like this is going to be my last drive. My time is almost up & the cause of my death is driving me home..?

The questions were hampering my brain nonstop, 'why didn't he take care of his sister?' 'Why he's here with me, driving me back home?'

Most importantly, whose more messed up? Me getting a glimpse of my psychopath rampage...or him being the typical unpredictable infamous Harshit?





Hello, my beautiful readers!

Glad to have you all back. Hope you liked my latest chapter. I know Harshit is a gentleman and Aisha's...well, she's crazy too!

My favorite part was how Aryan tried to comfort Dee. Cute na?

The next chapter is going to be spicy too, heheheh!

Stay tuned and show your support by Voting, sharing & comment on your reviews! 

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