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Why did she have to come back? 

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Why did she have to come back? 

I would've done just dandy if she didn't.

Forever thinking the entrancing young woman I couldn't still keep my mind off every day was just a ravishing stranger I'd never have to see again. But no. I didn't get that at all. The universe must've hated me if she was all I will see on a day-to-day basis.

After seeing that old sap of a customer completely disrespecting her for no reason, she looked even more innocent and sad. I had a tight feeling in my chest that I wanted to go over to him myself and give him a taste of his own medicine. That is if I ever did violence.

Yet knowing I had so many feelings toward the matter even though he did nothing hardly to me personally—but still felt like it was, I decided it was probably best to just try not to get too attached to her like that. Or at all. 

Keep my head down, out of sight and out of mind until it stopped messing with me.

Little did that do. She practically figured my hidden emotions out. I should've known she would.

I couldn't keep pretending like I strongly disliked her. She really didn't deserve it. She was rather sweet, kind, and sorta gentle after offering to help me out a moment ago—even if she knew how to play me like a fiddle with her own mind tricks too after that whole shower comment. 

She clearly didn't know how men like me thought when hearing sexy things like that.

But Heather needed me to eat some cake now, so anything else was just not gonna live rent free in my brain. I wouldn't let it. She was just another girl! You'd think I'd never seen one aside from mine before the way I lose it sometimes around her.

I had to get out of there quick.

Though, the second I was fully ready to be focused on my engagement with my hand on my car door—I forgot my vest. Just great. I couldn't be walking around here like an actual dewdropper.

So, as much as I dreaded the thought right now after me and Ivy had shared a small but impactful moment I knew was a bad sign for my inner thoughts...I had to go back in to get it.

Pulling out my key to the bar, I monitored the traffic that was still a bit busy for the early and crisp darkened night and dashed all the way back. After a few minutes, I finally managed to get to the door again—unlocking it and continuing to race in.

But when I did, I heard a voice. A woman's voice. Singing

Oh we definitely didn't do that here. Was it just my imagination now eating me up?

Moving closer into the underground bar, it was becoming louder. More distinct. And the moment I finally turned that last corner...I saw exactly who it was.

It was Ivy. Onstage. Singing her little heart out.

I was mortified. Shocked. Amazed. Bewildered. But more importantly...touched.

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