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It was kinda crazy how a week could fly by so quickly

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

It was kinda crazy how a week could fly by so quickly.

I was genuinely elated that my sweet Ivy was finally having her shining moment with all the recording she kept filling me in with, while I was back on the job.

But at the same time, I'd be crazy to not admit I did feel highly regretful of letting her do it all on her own.

I knew she would've never gone for it if I didn't make the choice for her. Though I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever made her feel like she had to choose between me and her passions.

I loved her too much for that.

However the way that Jake fella was doing what he did best—a.k.a ignoring me or just acting like I didn't have talent either by just referring to me so coldly as the 'bartender', he did manage to uphold his promise to me thus far.

So, I guess he maybe wasn't as full of BS as I presumed.

Though the only thing about it all I was wishing for was just to see more of her.

Between recording during the day and making it home to care for her family at night, I barely saw my baby. But I just had to keep reminding myself though that once this was all over, she'd be back wrapped in my it should be.

Just envisioning the way the woman touched me so gently but so extremely sexy— making my body quake with her lips all over me as I did the same with such great bliss, was making me want her even more right now.

But for the time being, I could at least pay her a quick visit tonight before she has to be recharged and rested just to do the same again tomorrow.

So, as I got out of my vehicle being greeted by the understandingly odd stares I noticed I received the last time I was here—but not taking a great offense to it, I knocked on her door.

To my surprise when it opened wasn't Ivy at all.

"Levi! How wonderful it is that ya paid me another visit! What brings ya back?" Her sister Joy, shouted out in a cheerful tone.

Though the way she was smiling at me made it seem like she was feeling something else I didn't even want to cross over, making me feel a bit unnerving—and slightly flattered.

"Only to see more of the dazzling and fun Hart siblings, of course!" I playfully told her as she gasped happily, beaming like she'd just won a grand prize. I chuckled. "But I'm also looking for ya sister. Is Ivy back in yet?"

"No, but she called us earlier and told Jordan she had to work late. So she won't be home until after dinner. It's kinda weird. She usually never stays out of this house for hardly anything once the sun goes down." She explained shrugging.

Well that was a bit strange indeed. Aside from that party a while back, she didn't.

I wondered what was keeping her held up so much. She had an angelic voice as it is. One take to record an album was all that was truly necessary.

A Perfect HarmonyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα