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Parking my car in front of Columbia Records, I glanced over at my surroundings feeling entirely bittersweet about even being here

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Parking my car in front of Columbia Records, I glanced over at my surroundings feeling entirely bittersweet about even being here. I knew when I wasn't wanted somewhere.

But after my parents heart to heart, and Joy calling me to say that the love of my life wanted to see me again after our breakup, I was just gonna suck it up if me and Ivy could be a couple again.

Then, we could face whatever hate and challenges we would get as one.

So with one mission in mind, I stumbled into the building and up to the front desk where two men awaited me. "Good afternoon gentlemen! My name is Levi Janson. The phantom to the Ivy Hart and Levi musical duo, if Mr. Jake Johnson has anything to say about it. I was asked to join again in their presence for today."

The two men then stared at me a bit mystified. "Jake Johnson?"

"Uh yes. He is a talent scout here, is he not?" I wondered, becoming confused myself as to why they were acting like they barely knew him.

"Oh well of course. Him and his brother are our bests. We're not dumb on that. But we have to keep track of each person who enters the building—so Miss Hart and Mr. Johnson hasn't been here all day. They're not even scheduled for recording." The second man informed me casually, checking his written appointment logs in front.

That was definitely strange. I knew for one thing Ivy or her siblings wouldn't lie to me about that for any reason. Clearly they were here...somewhere.

"A-A-are ya sure? She called me this morning to say she would be."

They then shrugged apologetically. "Sorry sir for the mixup on her part. We can let you know though when they will return."

After the lack of knowledge they were displaying now, I'm good. "Thank ya for help anyway." I simply let out, heading out.

However as I made my way over to my car to get back in, I wondered if I'm the one who got things mixed up somehow. Instead, I sighed staring back toward the building.

Noticing others now entering with their employee keys from a side entrance of the building I didn't even know they had...I soon became curious.

Could they have possibly gone through there this time if she technically was one of them by now pretty much?

And yet something in me had me already backed out of the vehicle, approaching the side as a middle aged man let me in along with him too. I smiled kindly.

From at a glance, what I could make from the place was it was a very standard office building setup. A lot of rooms, but nothing I couldn't navigate through—but maybe I should just leave.

But as soon as I headed toward the exit...I heard a faint voice.

"Stop! Jake! Get away!"

Instantly, feeling the rush of emotions drain right through me, my nearly heart dropped. It was Ivy's. I knew that precious voice from a mile away. But this time, it was filled with pure horror and urge.

"Ivy? Ivy! Ivy! Where are ya?!" I shouted throughout the building, racing to merely every room that may have been open.

I knew he was bad news to begin with. I knew he wanted her all to himself. But I didn't know he would stoop so low if what I think was happening was happening.

Finally hearing the screams from a minute away now, I charged for a closed door on the other end of the building, barging right in to see an unforgettable sight.

Jake was nearly on top of her, gripping her wrist and backside forcing himself onto her sweet body as she kept trying to hit him. My blood pressure boiled and I couldn't see hardly anything but red. She trusted him and now look at where it got her!

Him pulling a horrendous stunt like this.

"I've given you all you've wanted! Stop fighting me!" Jake screamed out enraged, about to shake her so aggressively. Her wails became louder.

But the next thing I knew, I tapped him from behind at first—grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around toward me. "Hey! Then how about I do it?!"

And just like that I pushed his entire body toward the ground as he fell back, hitting his own head on the laid out table of food. The oakwood then quickly snapped in two and he was knocked out cold, covered in the trash he truly was.

"Levi! I'm sorry! You were right." Ivy then yelped and rushed up to me.

We both quickly went into a tight squeezed hug, not daring to let go while her whole body was trembling in distraught and terror. God, she didn't have to apologize for anything. It was the pervert that just didn't know when to quit.

"Don't baby, shh. Ya didn't do any wrong. I hate that I wasn't able to be here earlier. Oh God Ivy, I'm so sorry." I kept tugging her more in a soft and warm manner.

Our worlds were already improving by our touch.

And as time went by, she didn't speak another word and continued to cry into my chest.

"Come on. Let's get ya out of here before he wakes up. Come on." I now told her as he began to slowly move. 

She stared at him once more before we both raced out.


Whew! That was a close one and could've definitely ended worse if Levi wasn't there.

We're only 2 chapters away now guys!! I'm freaking out! 

See ya next time! :)

See ya next time! :)

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