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Placing down the tea setup in the middle of us all, me and Levi were sitting on his parents couch as they kept making various glances from their other tasks and over to us—analyzing our every move almost

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Placing down the tea setup in the middle of us all, me and Levi were sitting on his parents couch as they kept making various glances from their other tasks and over to us—analyzing our every move almost.

I knew this was gonna happen. But I'm sure once we clear things up a bit though, everything will be resolved and the 'who-is-this-colored-gal' look will fade away.

"I take it that you're not the high powered attorney Levi's engaged to?" His Mama Linda said, as I learned from how his Daddy addressed her a few times since arrival.

Me and Levi turned to each other shyly and cleared his throat, nodding. Unfortunately.

Wait no, what am I saying? I'm not Heather. I'm perfectly happy that I ain't too. But I also hated that I kept having a burning sensation in my chest whenever she was mentioned.

"Uh actually no. This is my good friend Ivy. She works with me at my...job. Heather had to work, but she wanted me to give her regards to ya both." He voiced out, making me a cup. I gratefully smiled at his kind gesture but his parents just scowled him coldly.

Maybe though I also could try to get them to like me too, as me. "I really love the ambiance of your home Mrs. Janson. Levi has told me many...things about you all." I affirmed.

Hey, it was technically true. I just pray to God they don't ask further details about it.

"That's funny because we've never even heard a thing about you." Mr. Janson added on, entering back into the room with a judgmental expression he had on ever since I walked in.

"Well Dad it's kinda hard to tell ya both hardly anything, since you chose to break contact with me." Levi uttered, visibly tensing up.

"Son, we just wanted what was best for you." Linda told him, sighing.

"But who's better to decide that than myself?" He now questioned.

I could sense him asking came from the dark place he probably thought he buried, but just couldn't shake away.

"The people who invested and put you through law school, with mainly all the money we had at the time being new lawyers themselves. That's who." Mr. Janson replied, now smirking.

"I tried to make you happy. It's the only reason why I went to that forsaken school."

"Oh look at that dear. Harvard is now a forsaken school. Well, who knows better than Levi Janson, right?"

Levi snickered to himself and shook his head. Judging by the way his knees started to tremble as we continued to speak, I secretly grabbed the closest one to me to calm him down as he slightly turned to my gaze—taking a sigh in what sounded like relief. I had to do more however to help.

"With all due respect Mr. Janson sir, does it really pertain greatly to ya if his passions are different? Levi is still a very swanky bartender and musician-" I began to profess.

But little did I know, a signaled hit against my foot from Levi gave me the feeling I probably shouldn't have said something.

Oh god. Did I just make this worse?!

Stopping all further moving, Mr. Janson and his wife glanced up at us before glaring directly toward Levi next. He picked at his adoring lips with his teeth nervously.

"I'm sorry, what? Musician? Wait a minute, you also never said anything about a musician in your message! Are you truly still throwing your life away with something so stupid as music?!" Mr. Janson yelled.

That hurt more than it should even to me personally.

Music was never stupid. It was a way to make one possibly feel true happiness. A way to feel things one never thought they could, a way to bring back great memories one may have when they first listened to whatever song triggered them.

Music is everything.

"Peter-" Linda started to say, with her head down. He smirked while shaking his.

"No, no Linda! I've heard enough! This has to end now! Why did you even come back if you were still gonna be as defiant as when you left?! Then have the audacity to come to us again! So what is it, Levi?! Did you run out of money finally?!"

"No! I came to make things right with ya! But what I love to do is not stupid! I'm your son. Shouldn't ya at least try to care about what makes me happy?!" Levi now sat on the edge of the cushion.

"You're 24! You don't know what makes you happy! You're just a worthless inexperienced kid compared to us!" Mr. Janson snapped.

Okay now I had enough. Levi was more experienced in life than he could ever imagine in my opinion.

For years, he was too afraid to show the world what he could do because of them and now that he could, they just wanted to belittle him and disrespect everything he stood for?! No, not in front of me they wouldn't.

"Sir if ya just please, allow me to try to explain-" I blurted out.

He simply just snickered. "No you can't! I don't expect a poor and pathetic woman of your background to even think you have the brains to understand where we're coming from! Especially when he has the nerve to bring someone like you to even greet us with your unwanted presence!"

Instantly, the room went cold. It was like a dagger had just gone straight into my heart.

I couldn't come back from that. No one could. I ain't pathetic! I'm still a person who has feelings and goals too. Why couldn't people like them understand that?

"Hey!" Levi jumped up toward them angrily.

But as for me, if I was so unwanted then I should just leave to make everyone happy. Maybe they'll probably be nicer to him if I was out of the picture.

"It's okay Levi. Don't make this worse for yourself. This is still their house. So I'll go." I simply uttered weakly, jumping up and about to race out the door—until he pulled me back by the hand.

"You shouldn't have to." He pleaded.

"Why not, son? She's at least right about one thing. This is our house." Mr. Janson icily spoke.

I could feel the tears forming up in my eyes, but managed to hold them back—finally left for the bus stop to return back to where I was welcomed.



Aww, poor Ivy! I wouldn't be as calm as her, let me tell ya! 

Next chapter though, things are about to go DOWN. lol

See ya next time! :)

See ya next time! :)

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