07. the friend group is complete

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    After a tiring and eventful first day of college, Minho was finishing his last first assignment as his phone buzzed on his bed. Stretching out his stiff back, scooted the desk chair over enough to reach out and grab it. 

    He opened the phone to a two-day-old group chat that Chan had added him to, since he had his number; Minho had given it to him for making one-time plans before college, and hadn't expected him to go adding him to any group chats.

    The last time he'd been in a group chat was probably when they were forced to do group projects in high school, and he certainly hadn't been fond of that. He'd deleted it as soon as he could, because he was tired of the constant buzzing and felt he had no reason to keep texting any of them. 

    He'd probably end up finding some excuse to remove himself from this one, too. 




y'all wanna hang out


i have ice cream


drop the room number 😍😍 


   Minho glanced over his tensed shoulder at Hyunjin and chuckled quietly at his reaction. It was still strange and more than a little uncomfortable to share a room. Hyunjin hurried to jump off his bed and shove his phone into his pocket, put on a pair of fluffy slippers, and go for the door.

    "You coming, Minho hyung?"

   "Yeah, I guess." He shut his laptop and followed behind Hyunjin, up two flights of stairs. There were footsteps heading the same way they were, a little behind them, and Minho thought could hear Felix's laugh coming from there.

    Chan and Changbin weren't lying. The sophomore rooms were considerably better than the freshman ones. The bunk bed was unlike any that Minho had seen before, because the beds were not lined up with each other. The top bunk was suspended over the first half of the bottom bunk (which was clearly Changbin's, since he was currently sprawled over it, filling out worksheets with a spoon between his teeth), and the rest of it was over the dresser, which it hid in its shadow. There was a third bed in the corner opposite the bunks, too.

    As the whole group came, one by one, they filled the room and made it seem a little less huge. And, Minho was right, Jilix were right behind them, and they entered with linked arms, while he and Hyunjin had walked almost hugging either wall of the hallway. Seungmin came, all by his lonesome.

    Chan had been sitting on the floor by the bunks, reading a textbook next to Changbin, but he stood up to wave to everyone and announce the three flavors he bought at the gas station two or so minutes off campus.

   As the boys lined up to take spoonfuls from the tubs, Jisung looked around the room and asked, "Are we gonna invite that new kid from earlier?"

    Chan shrugged. "The most I heard was his name is Jeongin. I don't have his number."

    "I do!" Seungmin raised his hand, and a couple of the boys raised eyebrows at him.

     "Sure, then."

     Seungmin got to texting Jeongin, and the rest of them cozied up on the floor, chair or the extra bed with their bowls of ice cream. Chan, Changbin, and Hyunjin sat grouped together, scooting closer to each other than they probably would've done in the past, not seeming to care if they pressed against each other here and there. Felix, of course, had to join, happily wedging himself in, leaning on Changbin, who seemed tense at first but relaxed gradually, melting into Felix's side with a gentle smile. 

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