19. road trip!!

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   The next morning came far faster than Minho have liked, when he finally did fall asleep. Exhausted as he was, once he forced Jisung out of his room, he all but passed out, lying slumped against the hard concrete wall at the foot of his bed.

my life is over.

    That's what Minho thought, but in fact, it wasn't. He had to keep going. Like it didn't happen. He had to go home today, and he already agreed to carpooling with the other guys.

   What happened last night- he desperately wanted to forget it all. Remembering the scene, with him having an entire nervous breakdown, and Jisung there watching, holding his hand like he was some toddler having a meltdown, it made him shiver. He didn't think he'd be able to look Jisung in the eye for quite a while. Maybe he'd never be able to do it again.

   Lucky for him, he still had his normal weekday alarm on, and he woke at 6:30, otherwise Chan would've been very displeased to find him still dozing with his suitcase empty.

   Ignoring the aching of his body, he dragged himself off his bed and reached under his bed for his suitcase. As expected, Hyunjin's bed was empty and untouched. Most of his clothes were already gone from the closet, so he must've packed last night.

    Minho clutched his stomach suddenly, hit with the scenario his mind suddenly whipped up for his daily dose of torment: what if Hyunjin had come in last night while I—

    He gulped down the disgust and sheer horror that that thought induced, like it was a shot of bitter, burning alcohol.

   In a sleep-deprived hurry, Minho gathered up wads of clothing and bedding and shoved them into his suitcase alongside a toothbrush and toothpaste, a phone charger, and his wallet. He didn't need much else.

   He considered changing out of his pajamas, but decided against it, on account of it being way too much work to put on jeans, and because he'd just finished zipping up his suitcase, so he just tugged a warm hoodie over his head and decided that was enough. But of course, he forgot to leave his toothbrush out so he could use it before heading down for breakfast, so he had to unzip it again anyway.

   It turned out that Chan was right. With no schedule to force them out of bed, there was almost no one else in the hallways, the bathroom, even the cafeteria, as Minho walked in and scanned it for the guys.

   Their usual table was still mostly empty. It was just Jeongin there, sitting alone and scrolling on his phone. Minho waved slightly as he dragged a chair out with his foot to sit, dragging his suitcase along next to him.

   "Hi," Jeongin greeted, kindly. Was this the first time they'd actually talked?


   The smell of sizzling bacon made the growling of Minho's stomach far more apparent. Breakfast was normally served later on weekends; even so, half the time Minho got it, it was almost cold, but today they were in the cafeteria even before it was ready.

   Being the two quietest of the group, not another word left either Minho or Jeongin's mouths as they waited, and the silence at the table was unbroken until a line of boys appeared— one, two, three of them shuffled sleepily to the table. Actually, one of them was getting a piggyback ride, so he was not doing any shuffling. Chan was only able to get Changbin out of bed by carrying him. Hyunjin trailed along behind them.

Changbin was dropped into the seat next to Minho. Shortly after, breakfast was ready and set out, and it seemed that the scent of it shook Changbin out of his sleepiness, because he was one of the first to get up and grab a plate.

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