it's not just you.

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haha i meant to post this right after the epilogue but i kept forgetting! better late than never tho

it's hard to find people that feel the same way about this stuff. 

before i wrote this book i couldn't find anyone who experienced what i do (at least not with anything close to the same intensity— relating to touch especially, some people 'get it' but they don't understand how intensely it affects me) and that gave me a very unique but terrible loneliness that i couldn't shake.

it's still lonely.

but  every time i find someone else that feels the same, it gets better. i feel less like an alien. i want to do that for anyone else that deals with this— i hope that reading this book made you feel less alone, and maybe even helped you understand yourself better. but i don't want to just stop there.

i've done a lot of searching to find information about this specific kind of aversion to touch, and honestly there's shockingly little, but i'm more than happy to share everything that helped me— all the articles, reddit posts, etc. i'm not sure i'd have been able to write the story without some of that stuff, because i got so used to not putting my feelings into words that i just didn't know how to do it a year ago when i started writing this.

(i don't really have a good way to share links through a wattpad book so if you're interested in seeing the stuff i used, let me know.)

seriously, if you relate, please don't be shy if you want to talk about it (even though that's exactly what i would do :') ). pm me— we can talk on here or on discord if you have it, cuz that's what works best for me. it'll help both of us. like i said, just knowing there's another person out there who actually gets it makes this sense of isolation easier to deal with. it helps me not be quite as affected by my family scoffing and looking at me like i'm crazy when i flinch when they brush against me or when i go out of my way to avoid touching them at all.

even if you don't relate and you just wanna be friends, that's fine too haha

EDIT: there is now a hold me readers' discord server! there's an invite linked to this chapter and in my bio as well :3

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