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as a little thank you/celebration for hold me recently hitting 50K, i decided to write a little oneshot of the original idea that eventually morphed into hold me. in other words, here's hold me in an alternate universe where pretty much the only difference is that they all go to a fine arts college. oh and the POV is hyunjin's.

    Even with the refreshing chill of the crashing waves, at some point in the afternoon it just got to be too hot. All eight of the summer vacationers collapsed on the cool hardwood inside the beach house (once they turned the fans to full blast), each of them wet-haired and dripping with sweat.

    "This reminds me of old times," Hyunjin laughed, watching all the bodies sprawl out on the small stretch of floor; suddenly feeling sentimental. "You guys remember how we all met?"

    "Of course we do, Hyunjin. It was literally last year," Minho groaned.

    Hwang Hyunjin had a new roommate to meet today. A new room, a new bed, a new practice room— a new everything to meet, too.

    'Welcome to the Hannam academy of fine arts', the sign read and damn, Hyunjin was excited to be here. Maybe he was a little disappointed, though, by how... not fine this university seemed? It was nice and all, but with the name, maybe he just expected something a little, well... fancier.

    Clearly, they'd cut some corners while building this place, and that was perhaps clearest when stepping into the dorm rooms. Concrete walls and scratchy carpet weren't exactly what Hyunjin had been picturing, and certainly not a squeaky spring mattress that made too much noise and poked you in too many places.

    He had just gotten through assessing the state of the room and accepting that it was his life now, sitting down on that squeaky, poky mattress with a bag of Cheetos he pulled out of his backpack, when his new roommate showed up. The door pushed open again and a sharply-angled face examined each corner of the room just as Hyunjin had a moment ago, then at last settled on him.

    A living statue stared back at Hyunjin, features carved as if out of marble, stiff until they flexed just so into a slight, polite smile.

   "Hey," Hyunjin started. "Guess we're roomies."

    "Lee Minho," he introduced, shutting the door behind him.

   "Hwang Hyunjin." He watched Minho set down his backpack, then sit on the bed across from him, and he smiled grimly, watching Minho's statuesque face contort, disturbed, as he looked at the mattress he'd just sat on, patting around as if he were checking that all parts of the bed were really that bad. "Heh, yeah, my bed's the same way. Want a Cheeto?"

   Years of dancing had prepared Hyunjin for a moment in time like this, though.

   It was kinda hilarious to watch the entire lot of initially bright-eyed freshmen start groaning and hobbling around and rubbing at their backs like old people over the weeks to come. For the most part (unsurpisingly), the dancers, like Hyunjin and Minho, seemed to take it better. It must have been because, with how much they required of their bodies, they tended to be a lot more used to aches and pains, even at their young ages. Or maybe it was because they had heating pads like Hyunjin.

   After the first night of sleeping on the squeaky, poky mattress, and then going straight on to his first dance class, Hyunjin was incredibly glad to be able to pull out the magnificent heating pad he'd been given two years ago for Christmas (one that wasn't just a hot square— this one had a collar to fit around the neck and drape over the shoulders, and strings in the middle to tie around your waist and keep the heat closer to your lower back and obliques). He climbed onto the bed, the culprit for his overly sore body, pulled on the heating pad and leaned against the concrete wall with a sigh to conclude his chaotic, achy first day of college.

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