1. Can you move?

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Y/N, a lower level demon slayer is caught in a battle with a lower moon. Her team struggled to keep pace and they lost the upper hand quickly. Just as all hope seemed lost the water pillar decapitated the demon and saved her team.

Expressionlessly, the water pillar looks to you.

"Can you move?"

You blankly stare back at the blue eyed pillar as he sheaths his sword. His presence is so intimidating, but strangely calm. You scan the surrounding area and search for any signs of movement from your fellow demon slayers, luckily a few survived the fight. You hear their uneven breathes. 

"The kakushi will be arriving shortly, try not to move or your injuries might just kill you."

His voice is smooth, but cold; you can't sense any emotion in his tone. Your body feels like lead and you can't move from the ground. Your vision grows blurry and you try to force your eyes to stay open. Just as soon as he arrived, he disappears into thin air.


You hear footsteps fastly approaching from the distance. The ringing in your ears grows louder and the world starts turning black. With the last of your strength fading, you lose conciousness.


2 Days Later

You blink your eyes open slowly and you regain movement in your body. Your fingers flinch and you clench your hand into a fist. You dart your eyes around the room and sit straight up. Where am I?

The sun is rising and the room is slowly growing brighter. You hear the light breathing of three other people in the room and look to your left to see four other beds lining the wall. Are we the only survivors...? We went into that battle with a team of thirteen...... Your thoughts are cut off by the door swinging open. A kakushi meets your eyes and smiles kindly with her eyes.

"I'm glad you're awake miss y/n, you've been asleep for two whole days now," you can hear the relief in her voice.

"Are you in pain anywhere miss?"

The kakushi steps farther into the room balancing a tray of medicine in her hands. She sets the tray down on your end table and reaches her hand out to feel your forehead. You instinctively smack her hand away, and she recoils backwards a step.

'Ah! I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to do that...'

You flinch your hand back and bow your head downwards. Y/n, why did you do that? She's just tying to help..

"It's alright miss, I understand," she smiles with her eyes at me again and grabs the tray from the table.

"Your condition seems to be considerably better than when you arrived, you don't seem to have a fever anymore."

She moves to the first bed to the left of you and places the back of her hand on the boy's head. She sighs quietly to herself and grabs a bottle from the tray.

"My name is Renka Tapio and I'll be taking care of you and these patients until you've all recovered. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me for what you need."

You nod your head in acknowledgement of her words. Renka Tapio. I'll be sure to thank her properly later.

Renka opens the bottle and tilts the boys head up. She pours the liquid contents into his mouth and quietly asks him to drink it. He winces and swallows the liquid in small gulps. She sighs in relief and lays his head back down on the pillow.

'I'm sorry to ask this, but where am I right now?'

You shift in bed and place your feet on the floor to face Renka. She picks up the tray and moves to the next bed.

"You're currently at the butterfly mansion miss. Mr.Tomioka reported back to Ms.Kocho about the condition of your team and she offered to take the surviving members in to aid in their recovery."

She lifts the covers from the young woman and inspects her bandages carefully. The cloth on her arm is partially darkened with red. Renka takes the scissors from the tray on cuts off the old bandage. She removes the blood soaked bandage and places it on the tray. She moves so carefully yet precisely.. You continue to watch her carefully as she redresses the young woman's wounds.

"Ms.Kocho is currently away on a mission, but should return this evening. If you feel that you have recovered enough, miss Kanao offered to train with you."

She picks the tray up again and moves to the third bed. I stand up and stretch my body. I look down at my feet and notice I'm in a different set of clothing. I open the drawer on the end table and find my haori and demon slayer outfit folded inside. My nichirin sword is laying against the left side of the end table. I must become stronger.

I clench my fist tightly and shut my eyes lightly. I recall the previous battle and my utter failure to protect them. I feel my face scrunch at the memory. The water pillar... I remember his calm demeanor and intimidating aura. Mr.Tomioka, the cold and powerful hashira. I WILL become stronger, I WILL protect them.

I open my eyes and unclench my fist. I exhale slowly and grab my uniform from the drawer. I WILL become a hashira, just you watch.

(906 words)

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