22. Too Close!

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Within seconds of getting into position you see Giyuu charging at you. You immediately rushed to block his attack and are pushed back by the sheer force.

You aggressively push your sword off of his and use the momentum to retreat backwards. Trying to quickly formulate a plan in your mind, you dodge his continuous blows.

He was serious when he said he wasn't going easy on me..

After he slashes at you again you finally decide to take this seriously. His last attack left a scratch on your cheek, you feel the blood slowly drip down your face. Your eyes widen in shock, but Giyuu's face doesn't change.

Is he actually trying to hurt me or something??

The air surrounding you becomes heavy, and you can hear his internal struggle. He's fighting himself, and losing. He jumps forwards towards you, you almost lose your balance from the weight of his body behind the sword. You lock eyes with him for just a brief moment, concern laced in your knitted brows. Your palms become sweaty and your grip loosens on your sword. He averts his gaze from you, his face taking on an almost angry look. He pushes his sword against yours and you stumble back, you lose your footing and fall to the ground.

When you look up Giyuu's face has turned from emotionless to angry. His breathe becomes laboured, his heart beating almost out of his chest, he sounds so pained. You stand from the ground and ready your sword again hesitantly.

'Are you ok-'

Before you can even finish your sentence a sword strikes your side. You don't strike your sword at him, a pained sound leaves your mouth and you clutch at your throbbing side. You stumble back and look at him.

His eyes are cold and angry, and your face contorts into sadness. You look down at your sword and then back to Giyuu.

We shouldn't continue this, he's clearly upset and basing his attacks on emotion alone

Giyuu charges forwards again, you wait until he is almost directly infront of you.

'I won't fight you, Giyuu.'

You drop your sword and close your eyes, bracing for impact. You feel the wooden sword hit your side again and you fall backwards. Your back hits the hard ground and you gasp, the pain spreading through your lower back is excruciating.

Shinobu is going to kill me

You open your eyes and see Giyuu standing above you, he is glaring down the blade of the sword and into your eyes, the tip of the sword almost on your nose.

"Why won't you fight back?"

You keep staring directly into his eyes and listen for what set him off. He moves the sword down and presses the tip lightly into your neck. You don't react to this action, you just continue to stare at him from below.

'I won't fight you, Giyuu.'

Rage flashes across his face and he presses the tip further into your neck, drawing a little bit of blood. The pressure starts to hurt.

"Why won't you fight?? If I was a demon, you'd be dead right now, I know you know that!"

You grab the blade of the slightly sharp sword and keep him from moving it. He seems shocked by your actions and attempts to pull the sword from your grasp.

'I know, I'd be dead.'

Giyuu struggles against your grasp on the sword as the blade starts digging into your palms, you grasp even harder. His face turns from anger to a concerned face.

'You wouldn't hurt me, Giyuu.'

You smile lightly at him as blood starts to run down your arms and drips onto your uniform.  The pain is making you feel a little dizzy, but you refuse to let go of the sword.

'I know you wouldn't... and I won't hurt you either.'

So many emotions flash across his face, anger sadness, relief, but it settles on desperation as he continues to pull on the sword.

"Y/n let go"

You grab the sword as hard as you possibly can, your knuckels turn white with the force. You can feel the blade slide even further into your hands, and it hurts like hell.

'Whatever you're fighting Giyuu, I'm here for you, and I'm not leaving. I won't die. I won't leave you alone again.'

The desperate look on his face turns sad and tears threaten to slip from his beautiful eyes.

"Y/n, please let go.."

As you loosen your grip on the sword you hiss at the pain. The blade is quickly tossed to the side and Giyuu drops to the ground to sit on his knees directly next to you. You feel his rough hands on your forearm and you sit up.

He gently grabs your forearms and pulls your hands towards him. He inspects your cut hands carefully. With your wrists in his hands, and eyes downcast, he sighs.

"Why did you do that?"

You shake your head a little and try to meet his eyes.

'I was trying to calm you down. For a moment there I was afraid you were actually going to hurt me.'

He raised his head and looks at you, he looks hurt.


'I know.'

You remove one of your hands from his and place it on his shoulder. The pain is getting worse in your palms, and your back, you start to feel even dizzier. The blood from your hand seeps into his uniform.

You lean towards him and place your arms around him and on his back, your head gently resting on his shoulder. You squeeze him gently and sigh.

'I know what you're thinking, so stop that. None of what has happened was your fault.'

You feel him stiffen and then relax in your grasp.

'I know you're afraid of people getting close to you. You don't want to lose any more people you care about..'

You feel his arms carefully wrap around your body, his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder.

'You can't push me away, I won't leave. I'm going to get closer, closer than anyone has been before.'

You can feel him start to slightly shake as his tears hit your shoulder. You smile as you feel him hold you tighter.

'I'll help you see that you don't need to live your life all alone. You can depend on people, you can depend on me.'

The dizziness is getting bad and you feel like you could pass out. Your vision becomes spotty, but you don't want to let him go.

'Im here for you, Giyuu...'

He is violently sobbing at this point, you rub circles on his back in an attempt to soothe him.

I hope he knows I mean every word..

His cries become quieter, and his breathing seems to return to normal. The blood loss and pain are finally getting to you, and you are moments away from losing consciousness.

'Can you please take me to Shinobu, Giyuu? She said if I didn't go to her immediately after I got hurt next time that... she would..... be.... angry......'

Your grip on Giyuu loosens and you black out. Giyuu loosens his hold on you and pulls back. You head hangs forward, he realizes that you're unconscious and immediately picks you up and stands. He places your arms over your chest and carries you bridal style.

"Just hang in there y/n.."

He quickly rushes out of his estate and heads towards the butterfly mansion.

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