27. Lightning Fast

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You snap your fingers in front of his face when he doesn't respond. He seems to be lost in thought for a moment, but nonetheless answers your call.

"I heard one of the shopkeepers in town has new books, will you come check them out with me?"

He tries to smile, but he looks more uncomfortable than anything. The cold wind hits your exposed skin and you shiver. A cold day like this usually calls for staying in, but a day out with Giyuu is worth it.

I should probably change before we go

'I'm going to change first.'

He simply nods at you before walking to the front yard. You turn back to go inside and change. The butterfly girls are on the engawa, each with a cup of steaming liquid in their hands and a blanket matching their hair pins.

"Good morning miss l/n!"

"Yes, good morning!"

"How are you feeling?"

You smile at them warmly as you approach the house. Kiyo takes a sip of her drink and looks excited.

'Good Morning girls, slept well thank you for asking.'

Sumi glances at your uniform before taking a sip of her drink.

"Aren't you cold miss l/n?"

You nod before coming to a stop in front of the girls. Your feet start to hurt and you look down briefly before realizing you don't have any shoes or socks on.

'Yes, and I forgot to put socks on too!'

You quickly step up onto the raised wood and try to kick the melted snow of your toes. The chill on your feet is starting to hurt.

'Im going to go chance and head into town with Giyuu, please let Shinobu know not to worry and that I'll be back soon.'

Naho looks at you and the girls all frown slightly. You know why they look upset, but they have nothing to worry about.

'Don't worry girls, I'll be back soon. I promise to bring back treats!'

The three girls faces light up and you can't help but smile at their innocence. You wonder briefly of this is what it's like to have kids.

"You promise?"

"Bring back candy!"

"Thank you miss l/n!"

You bend down to their level and hold out your pinky for each of them to grasp.

'I pinky promise'

They each hold out their pinkies and interlock them with yours, giddily smiling and laughing the entire time. You show them a bright, closed eye, teeth shining smile and stand back up.

'Now, I'll be off in a moment. Be good ok?'

As you walk back inside the building you hear their cute words from behind you.

"We promise!"

"Travel safe miss l/n!"

"See you later!"

You quickly rush back upstairs and into your room. Sliding open the door you listen for where Shinobu is. Lucky for you she is still in her study.

I have to be quick about this if I don't want her knowing I'm gone..

You quickly undress and redress in your slayer uniform, but this time, the one with pants instead of your skirt. It feels much better this time, all of your skin being covered is such a bonus.

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