24. Not You

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When you awake, you feel the numbing pain in your back once again. The medication Shinobu gave you must have worked, the pain is more manageable. You look around the room for any sign of Giyuu but the empty, cold divot on your bed tells you he's been gone for hours.

What did I honestly expect..

You look towards your bedstand and see an array of things. A bottle of pain medication, as well as your other medicines from last time you were here.

More medicine .. lovely

A large glass of water and an orange that looks quite familiar pique your interest. You carefully take the orange in your hands and peel it. The scent of citrus filling your small room is pleasant and oddly nostalgic.

I am so hungry right now. I wonder if lunch is almost ready?

You stand slowly and inch your way towards the door. You ignore every muscle in your body telling you to stop as you open the door. The mansion seems quieter than most days, but it doesn't surprise you. It's the beginning of winter now, and it is always quiet in the winter.

Each step you take echo's through the corridor, and once your hand is placed on the door to the dining area, you freeze. The sound on the other side of the door isn't very welcoming, but it's not entirely hostile.

Don't tell me... please not right now

As you slide the door open, lavender eyes pierce into your tired ones. He stops all movement, his chopsticks now idle in his hand.

God dammit why is he here??

You take a seat at the opposite end of the room, as far away from him as you can. You want to yelp at the intensity of the pain, but you try not to alert the hashira to your condition. Sitting down as quickly as possible was not the smartest idea, but you hope it helped you avoid detection from him.

Shinazugawa peels his eyes from you when he hears the door slide back open. Aoi enters with a cart of freshly prepared food.

"What are you doing out of bed Y/n??"

You shrug a little as you turn to face her. The males eyes quickly glance at you before returning to Aoi.

'I was hungry.'

You try to play it off, knowing Shinobu, she already told Aoi about your condition, and you hope she won't say anything else. The short girl huffs and places her hands on her hips while shooting you a death glare.

"After you eat, you're going back to your room."

You nod your head in understanding, silently thanking her. She approaches the white haired man with the cart and asks him a few questions before sliding two bowls of food in front of him. She looks almost scared as she takes the empty dish from him.

She wheels the cart to you next.

'Do you have any chicken today?'

She nods her head and takes the lid off one of the pots. She uses the large stirring spoon to mix the contents before scooping some rice into your bowl. She sets the steaming bowl in front of you and grabs another. This time she takes the lid off of the smaller pot and scoops a very generous portion of sauced chicken into the second bowl. You are grateful that she always gives you a little extra.

She sets the bowl in front of you and you take it happily. She hands you a pair of chopsticks as well before shuffling the cart back out of the room. Just before she slides the door closed, with her back facing you, she calls out.

"I'll be back shortly. Please make sure to eat it all Y/N."

You smile to yourself and thank her for the meal. Picking up your chopsticks you begin to feast. You didn't really realize how hungry you truly were until the first bite of chicken hit your mouth.

Bitter Sweet (Giyuu x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum