11. The Flap of a Butterfly's Wings

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Your walk with Giyuu to the butterfly estate was uneventful. Instead of walking behind him at a distance, Giyuu slowed down his pace a bit and you walked beside him. The sun was starting to fall, and the deep orange of the horizon was breathtaking.

Giyuu didn't talk at all, but the silence was comfortable. Upon arriving back at the butterfly estate you hear laughter. You open the gate and see the three little girls from before surrounded by butterflies of different types. You smile at the sight and walk into the gated yard.

You look back at Giyuu waiting for him to follow, but he doesn't move. You tilt your head questioningly at him.

'Ms.Kocho should be here, aren't you going to go talk to her?'

Giyuu stared blankly past you before speaking.

"Next time."

That was all he said before turning and leaving. You raise your hand to reach out to him, but lower it. Ah- he probably has a mission to go to.

You turn back to the girls and give a closed eyed smile to them. They remind me of my brother and I when we were little... You let out a sad sigh and walked through the front door. Walking through the butterfly mansion, you follow your normal path to your room.

Upon entering your room, you are met with Miss Kocho's smiling face. You blink a couple times before speaking.

'Ah- Miss Kocho, hello!'

"Good afternoon miss L/N~ how are you feeling today?"

The insect pillar sits in the chair adjacent to your bed and motions for you to sit as well. You hurriedly sit down on the bed with your hands in your lap, and you back straight.

'I feel a lot better than I did when I got here. Thank you so much for aiding my recovery!'

You bow to her quickly, face slightly flustered as you realize how polite and formal you are acting. You raise your head and back until you are sitting in an upright position again.

"If you wouldn't mind, I would like to do one more examination of your body before I discharge you."

You look to her and meet her eyes, her signature smiles unwaivering.

"I wouldn't mind at all, Im ready to go home.'

She claps her hands together in front of her chest and gives you a closed eyes smile.

"Thank you for your cooperation miss L/N~ now would you please remove your top for me?"

You stand up, take your sword from your waist, and place it on the bed next to you. You slide your haori off and fold it gently before placing it next to your sword. You hesitate for a moment before untucking and unbuttoning your uniform top. I know it's for a checkup but it's still embarrassing to show my skin...

The purple eyed woman stands from her chair and motions for you to sit. You fold your top over your forearm and wrist and sit down in the chair. Shinobu takes your free arm and raises it out, inspecting your side, shoulder, and forearm. Once satisfied, she walks to the other side of you, and you take your folded top into the arm she just inspected. When she raises your arm, she gasps slightly.

"Miss L/N, what happened here, this bruise looks new."

You look down at your side and laugh lightly. You look down at the floor embarrassingly.

'I was training and got whacked pretty good- BUT it doesn't hurt that bad, really!'

She checks your shoulder and arm over before letting go.

Bitter Sweet (Giyuu x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon