2. Flame Haired Boy

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You have changed back into your uniform and followed Renka to the dining room. Your haori is battered and torn so you left it on the bed. Walking through the halls of the butterfly mansion, you notice the pure scent in the air and the clean look of floors and walls. It's so well kept, I wonder how they do it.

"Right through here miss, Aoi will be serving breakfast shortly."

She smiles with her eyes once more and motions for me to enter the room. You bow slightly and enter the room quickly. You see a steaming cup of tea on the table and sit down on the chair closest to the cup. It smells so nice

"That's green tea with a pain relief tonic, it should help with muscle pain."

'Thank you Renka.'

You pick up the cup and lightly blow the steam away. Renka bows to me then leaves the room and slides the door closed behind her. You take a sip from the cup and feel the warm liquid flow down your throat. It's slightly bitter, and you can taste the medicine.

A girl with blue eyes and two butterfly clips in her hair slides the door open and rolls a wooden cart in the room.

"Good morning y/n, how are you feeling?"

Her voice sounds uninterested, but her face retains a slight smile. Is this Aoi?

"I prepared omurice and onigiri for breakfast. I hope it is to your liking."

She lays a serving tray on the table in front of you and hands you a set of wooden chopsticks. The scent of the omurice wafts into your face and you inhale deeply.

"If you would like seconds just call for me."

She bows before wheeling the cart towards the door.

'Thank you Aoi. I will be sure to enjoy this.'

She turns and with a light smile on her face bows slightly before exiting the room and sliding the door closed. You start to eat your omurice slowly. It tastes like brother's cooking......

You reach for your haori but stop midway remembering that you left it on your bed. You place you chopsticks on the tray and reach for your onigiri. You eat the onigiri quickly as if you haven't eaten in days. You pick up your cup and lightly blow on the liquid before consuming it in a couple large gulps. I am ready to get out of here.

Three Days Later

"Well y/n-san it's looks like you are almost fully healed and you can start your missions the day after tomorrow," the insect pillar smiled brightly at you.

You give a light smile back and as you are about to leave the room she calls out to you.

"Y/n.." her voice is tinged with hesitation.

You turn your body to look back at her and make eye contact.

'Yes, Ms.Kocho?' Your voice is monotone and your face is just as empty.

"Have we... met before..?"

You look over the insect pillar and try to recall any memories of her. You scan through your memories but you can't seem to see her anywhere.

'If we have, I have no memory of it,' you say bluntly.

You watch as the purple eyed woman's smile falters slightly. As you go to speak, a memory passes through your mind.


"Y/n, to master total concentration breathing you need to breathe deeply and relax all of your muscles"

You nod to the flame haired man and close your eyes. You breathe deeply and try to relax your body. You breathe in and out slowly, you eyes remaining closed. You hear a suppressed giggle coming from your left. You open your eyes and become agitated.

'What's so funny Mitsuri?' You bark at the brunette

Holding back her laugh she tries to speak, "n-nothing y/n."

" You look so funny when you're trying to be serious!"

Mitsuri lays on her side and doubles over laughing. You glare at her and cross your arms. The flame haired boy laughs before clearing his throat.

" Ahem, ladies we are supposed to be training to become demon slayers!"

You glare at Mitsuri as she sits back up and turn your attention back to the flame haired boy. The proud look on his face and his cheerful aura fill you with the motivation to continue training.

"Now, back to total concentration breathing"


You snap back to the present. Who were they? You frantically search your memories for any trace of the flame haired boy and Mitsuri, but there is nothing. You look back at Ms.Kocho and hesitate before speaking.

'Do you know a boy, no, a man with flame colored hair, or a brunette with green eyes named Mitsuri?'

You doubt that she will, but on the off chance she does..

"A flame haired man? That sounds like Kyojuro, he is the flame pillar. I know a Mitsuri with green eyes and green and pink hair, she's the love pillar."

Your eyes widen. Are those truly the people from that memory? You fiddle the sleeves of your haori. You try to remember anything, anything at all. Your ears start to ring and your head feels like it's going to explode. You rub your temples and wince.

"Would you like to meet them?"

(863 words)

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